So why is it that I and many other responsible drinkers in the UK have to pay more because of the idiots?!

Question: Same old thing in this country a minority ruin it for the rest of us! I buy my Beer in bulk because the pub brices are a rip off so why should we get stung for the fools who drink till they puke or pass out?

Answers: Same old thing in this country a minority ruin it for the rest of us! I buy my Beer in bulk because the pub brices are a rip off so why should we get stung for the fools who drink till they puke or pass out?

Totally agree that this is unfair and more important can't see that it will solve the problem.It seems too simplistic to me.But there are precedents.Look what succesive governments have done to tobacco tax.

Part of the answer is that people expect the Government to be able to fix everything but in reality it is much more limited in what it can realistically achieve than they will ever admit.When was the last time you heard HMG say "No idea how to fix this".How many people would be happy with that ?

Nevertherless they feel compelled and we expect them to "do something" hence crackdowns initiatives and generally "tackling" things.

In practice government has a relatively limited range of options available to it 1) more tax 2) more legislation 3) more education.Government policy can only ever consist of one or more of these

Public drunkeness and public disorder fuelled by alcohol should be treated first and foremost as public drunkeness and disorderly conduct and dealt with accordingly

I agree kids who drink should get life sentences without possibility of parole.

It is always the people who do thinks in moderation that end up getting stung.

because that's what it's like in the UK

most people don't do it but instead of kicking the asses of the people who do do it

we will take it out on everyone

If you are refering to the UK then the reason why we pay so much for Beer and other alcohols is because our Goverment heavily Tax it.
Prices don't directly reflect Yob culture, but the amount of police on the street on a Saturday night does, which in turn costs the goverment more money so unfortuneatly it brings us back to the drunkern Yobs.
It has gotten so normal now to expect to see police on the streets that alot of people don't realise that the Heavy tax on the booze is funding them!
Although lets be honest, if we reduced Yob culture i doubt that our goverment would lower the price's - above all the booze is paying for their chaffeur driven Jags!!

They can't be bothered dealing with offenders even though they are indeed a minority. So they just make it so everyone else suffers. And it doesn't even fix the problem because it's still happening!

I'm afraid that's just how it works. The majority always end up paying for the misdeeds of the few.
You see examples of that in everything, not just in Beer prices. Whether it's with higher prices, stricter laws or reduced benefits....we all pay for the actions of social misfits.

hey,it's the law
never make any sense

c'mon your in England remember, we have to pay more on everything, its how our government likes it...

How about they just round the yobs up and transport them to the pet food factory? Make them into Kit e Kat and doggie biscuits :-D

Then the law abiding, non drunken folk of the UK can enjoy a peaceful life without having to pay over the odds for a little tipple and will also be able to go out at night without being vomited over by some ugly, foul-mouthed 16 year old chav.

2 answers here, one to the asker, one to suedetteuk.

I think it's right to stop the supermarkets selling cheap booze, but only because they are killing pubs. Don't forget, it's not ALL drink that leads to trouble - it's mostly lager and spirits. Ever heard of trouble fueled by real ale or wine?

And to suedetteuk - it is not the governments fault that everything is expensive in the UK. It is our fault. We see a ridiculously high price, and then go and pay it anyway. The companies know they can get away with overcharging us Brits because we'll just pay it when no-one else will.

If we stopped buying things which were too expensive, the prices would be forced down to the levels in other countries.

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