Why should I pay more for my beer?!

Question: Why should alchohol prices be artifically raised for me, when I drink in moderation, but when I do get 'drunk' I don't behave like an idiot and I always manage to get myself home without punching anybody.

I don't think it's fair that everyone is excluded from having some cheap, alchohol fuelled fun, just because others take it to the extreme.

What do you think?

Answers: Why should alchohol prices be artifically raised for me, when I drink in moderation, but when I do get 'drunk' I don't behave like an idiot and I always manage to get myself home without punching anybody.

I don't think it's fair that everyone is excluded from having some cheap, alchohol fuelled fun, just because others take it to the extreme.

What do you think?

Typical of this country, they can't control the scum so they target the easy option and everyone suffers,

Speed ramps
Arrest the joyriders and lock the up

Booze prices (even though it's not cheap anyway)

Banning hoodies (they are trying to) It's just a item of clothing

Arresting have a go heroes and not the yobs and the Police wonder why they don't get any cooperation from the public

It's always the law abiding people that suffer, this country is going to be one of the worst places to live in Europe if we don't do something soon.

I think we should all get booze on prescription for free.

True, see your point, but again, if you think about the greater good, maybe we need to make small sacrifices.
If the higher prices mean less people driving while drunk and committing acts of stupidity, then society as a whole benefits from it.

you do have a good point-but it seems price is the only way to deprive some people of certain things.I think there ought to be other ways but cant think what.

As I keep saying:
I'm afraid that's just how it works. The majority always end up paying for the misdeeds of the few.
You see examples of that in everything, not just in Beer prices. Whether it's with higher prices, stricter laws or reduced benefits....we all pay for the actions of social misfits.

I think you're totally right! It's simply unfair but yet another demonstration of how the government wants to be seen to be doing something without any actual reward. Think of it from a 'lager lout's' perspective.... it's a pain that the price has gone up but i love what i'm doing so much to stop a rise in prices hurting me.... it's the same with drug addicts they just find ways to fund their habit. It will be the people who don't abuse alcohol and aren't antisocial that pay the real cost.

totally agree,all i can add is if it does go up,they better get some extra cusoms and excise people in place,cos sure as hell half the country will be bootlegging across the channell.

We all get penalised by the silly section,but beer now costs about 16 pounds a gallon,if i cannot afford to run my car on it ,i,m damned if i will drink it any more.I stopped drinking beer because it is too expensive and did the same with cigarettes.Life is just a matter of,if it is,nt worth it ,don,t do it,why be taken for a mug with bottomless pockets ?

I agree with you, I am a moderate drinker and I in my 20's been a party goer and gone out and got a bit merry as to say but I have never been in a fight, argued with the police or been remotely violent to any one, its just been a nice drink a dance and then go home.

But what can we do with regards to teens,(I have a teen who has gone through a stage of drinking(she no longer drinks as I have put a stop to it(as far as im aware)).

I think some parents have to take some blame but fining them I feel will not sort the matter as there are a lot of teens out the that dont really care and are what we call "troubled teens" (I have one of theses too but she is not as bad as the ones we have seen on the telly as i have rules in my house and if she dont like them she can find some where else to live) I have grounded. taken then to the police, sent them to hospital, taken their pocket money and sent them to a counsellor ,basically given them a no life syndrome (I am single parent yes) I do all that I can without the help of their father.
But what can we do, upping the age will not deter either as teens look a lot older than their years.
I worry every day that my kids do not get in to this kind of world nor that they are injured but theses others.
Life is hard enough as it is soits about time the govenment puts there heads together to come up with something constructive to stop all binge driniking for all ages, and I mean binge drinking as there is a difference between binge and and social merryness

I think that it serves us right. Please let’s pay more so that we will be able to cut down on the number of bottles we take. Besides are you telling me that when you are being injected with anaesthesia or any thing that will make you unconscious that you will still know what you are doing? How do you know that you did not behave like an idiot? Please drink but don’t get drunk.

I agree with you. Group punishment is specifically prohibited in most countries' constitutions because of the unfairness therein.

Having said that, there clearly is a problem due to cheap alcohol in our society, and as responsible citizens we have to come up with a system that will work.

The thoughts I've had on that front involve licenses or ID cards and I can see more problems down the line with this.. In fact I can't come up with anything but price as a measure that will work.

Great question. I'll keep monitoring to see if anyone comes up with a workable solution.


I think those who drink to excess and cause a nuisance should be banned from drinking and given expensive fines, along with meaningful community service. Ban them from city centres too. Not this gathering fallen leaves in the park. Real graft.

If they drink again, they should be held in psychiatric accommodation. Alcoholism is, after all, a mental illness.

It’s PATHETIC how Britain can’t be strong and strict enough to prevent all this themselves! They’re becoming a soft spot for terrorism now this! Come on Britain do something about your drinking problem!

-Raise the prices
-Have awareness sessions for youngsters & irresponsible adults
-Pass a law that no young kid is allowed to drink on streets...

...and you on your way to a respectable Britain!


Why is Britain so obsessed with drink anyway? Haven’t they got anything better to do with themselves & and all they can looked forward to is a glass of wine???? How sad!

That's why I buy Natural Ice, I drink on average a case a day, It's cheap and gets me where I want to be....

It's the tax that makes it expensive.

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