Is liquor the real truth serum?!


Is liquor the real truth serum?

Do you feel more truth in your heart when your drunk? Do you tell more truth when you are drunk?

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2 months ago
Intersting blaggy, I've never heard that.

2 months ago
Matt, truly intriguing. Should that mean that not only does liquor make you tell the truth, but SEE the truth, as in seeing someone for who they TRUELY are? Yes, I had to reach for that one, but on a philiosophical level...every interesting.

2 months ago
Intersting blaggy, I've never heard that.

2 months ago
Matt, truly intriguing. Should that mean that not only does liquor make you tell the truth, but SEE the truth, as in seeing someone for who they TRUELY are? Yes, I had to reach for that one, but on a philiosophical level...every interesting.

truth serum yes, hell yes!!! apart from the visualness. everyone seems to look hotter when drinking :p lol
hence the old saying helping ugly chicks get laid since time began

yes, but I'm definitely not a lady when i start to get drunk. I tell everyone the truth and don't hold back anything.

I have found that booze doesn't make you more truthfull. It just enhances your personality. If you make a habit of telling people stuff they might not like to hear then they will do it more. If you ask a liar a question when they are drunk then they will probably still lie but you may be able to catch them in the lie more easily

Nope! Back in my youth, after a few drinks, the mail room guy was an attorney, the delivery guy was an airine pilot, the car salesman was a brain surgeon...You get the idea. lol

Oh yeah, it sure is! It'll make you tell anyone anything.
Why, thinking about getting someone drunk so they'll tell ya the truth about something?
This is the best way to do it!

There is no simple yes or no for this question. Everyone responds to alcohol differently.

While I have seen people do nothing but spill the beans about their true feelings when they are drunk, I have also seen people who are totally letting loose a bunch of "false truths" that may seem like the truth but it's not. Just like how I have a friend that every time he gets drunk he walks up to people (even people he absolutely hates) and says things such as, "You are so're my best friend" I wouldn't take everything a drunk person says to heart.

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