Is this is a christian nation?!


Is this is a christian nation?

Do YOU beleive in jesus? Its easter and i want to know whether this is a christian nation i think the world will be a better place if it was.

God gave us choice. This is why there are different religions out there for us. We can decide to believe in Him, which I do, or we can decide to disregard what we know. When we sin or commit wrong doings we are given a feeeling of guilt and this is because of out conscience which God built into us. How else can we explain the wonders of this world?

the nation was founded under God's name (such as the motto on the dollar bill in God we trust) but everyone is corrupting this place to the point where the pledge of allegiance is starting a huge controversery over the fact it has the word God in it! if those stupid people have a problem with the word God inside the pledge of allegiance, they should move to a different country! i believe in Jesus and I hope people will give their lives to Jesus this upcoming easter!

Yes, I do. But I believe it depends on who you ask. Like the person above me has said, and I agree with her. It could be a Christian nation if the world wasn't so corrupt. I mean so much for believing in World Peace, when we see violence everywhere. Like the war we have in Iraq, and that Bush keeps sending soliders over there thinking it would make it better than worse.

Yes ! I believe in JESUS, but sadly many people do NOT , so it is probably NOT a Christion nation, But I will see YOU in HEAVEN ! And I KNOW that will surely be one ! See ya there ! ( not soon I hope ) !

I believe in Him. He believes in US so much he died on the cross and was resurrected 3 day later.

Happy Resurrection Day!

Its ironically sad that this country was founded on Christian principles and those principles are being erased with the 1st amendment.

No. This nation is not christian, nor should it be. Our nation was NOT founded by christians, it was founded by Deists. The word god was not added into the pledge of allegiance until the 1950's which was around the same time the words "In God We Trust" was put on the dollar bill. The pledge of allegiance was created after the civil war as a way to demoralize the southern states and keep them from trying to seperate from the Union again. I do NOT believe that this nation, or any other, would be better if they were a christian nation. Christianity is full of hypocrisy,greed, indolence, and outright stupidity. Christians are generally irrespective of the civil liberties of others, and persecute all those who are different from them.

God bless America. Hail Satan.

The problem is that God has never picked a true religion. The religions do it and they always pick themselves. If God would get more involved with religion and say, "People of the Earth, my favorite religion is .........." There would be little cause for religious disagreement and violence. If God selects a true religion, who could argue with that? When religions do it, it's always a problem.

First of all, you take it for granted that anyone who reads/answers here is an American. Well, I am not. Secondly, I have not seen anything in the US constitution saying that USA is a Christian country. I thought it was a secular state. Finally, by saying the world will be a better place if it was a Christian nation you sound one-sided, biased, and prejudiced against all other beliefs in this world. There are billions of people who are not Christians, and yet are very good, peaceful people. In fact, all great religions preach peace and tolerance. You should at least respect all the American citizens who are Jewish, Muslims, Budhists, etc.

Christians think this is a christian nation. They are not correct. This is a representative democracy and is founded on the principle of freedom of religion. The country and world would be a better place if all religions recognized the rights of all other religions and of those who choose NO religion.

If most people followed the best principles of whatever they believed in, there would be so much less "us versus them" and we would all benefit from that.

Happy Easter to all of you Christians. Happy Pesach to our jewish friends.

atheist are trying to ruin this country. dont let em get you. god will be here long after they are gone.


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