Do you think alcoholic drinks are a waste of money?!


Do you think alcoholic drinks are a waste of money?

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2 months ago
This is a survey.

2 months ago
This is a survey.

1. No
2. Its as valid an indulgence as five star dining, anybody who claims otherwise has never enjoyed a jovial and controlled cocktail party. The social aspect of alcohol is what absolves it from the image of the out-of-control alcoholic. Alcoholic beverages have been seen in nearly every known culture throughout history. So has homicide (you might be inclined to say)--I'm not saying that all things time tested are virtuous, but the light-hearted, social drinker can raise a glass when I say a little sauce feels too good to be bad (unless your driving and that's just destructive and juvenile). There are also health benefits that can be gleened from moderate drinking--ask your doctor or look it up.
3. Its good.

yes a big will harm and why would u pay to get is nasty

Is the 500% price mark up (not including any tip) worth the atmosphere the drink will be consumed in?
If you say yes, then yes
If you say no, find a different spot to get ripped off for your drinks

Been sober for waaaay too long .. this question has no relevance to me.. I would rather spend the money on something that matters .. like twinkies :)

1 Yes
2 u know that. In my country, the govt promotes the policy stop drinking, stop poverty. I don't know if it works. but it's a good idea right? we all know that the drink is not good for health if you are heavy drunker.

Money matter, unconsciousness from alco leads to family violence, crime, ohhhh a LOT.

1. No.

2. Because, despite it's often poor reputation, alcohol is often the social lubricant people need to achieve a higher level of self-esteem in group situations. I have often found that when large groups of people (for instance a new group of graduate students) are interacting for the first time, alcohol helps relax the nerves and makes it easier for those present to talk and get to know one another.

3. Did you know that Southwest Airlines was conceived on a cocktail napkin?

1. Nope

2. Because I find it fun, enjoyable, and relaxing.

3. I definitely think it's something that people enjoy. If you enjoy it you obviously won't find it to be a waste of money. It's considered something for recreation....are other recreational items that we use daily considered a waste of money? TVs, theme parks, playgrounds, video games, computers? Or to apply that in the form of food. If you enjoy things like cake, chocolates, pop, juice are they just a waste of money?...they all effect our minds and bodies. Some may be a bit more harmful than others but we still enjoy them.

It's when it becomes an addiction and you abuse the substance that it become an issue. But anything enjoyable can be addicting. Like food, eating can become an addiction but does that make eating itself bad? No.

yes , I think . ..

why ?

because U need an extra money to buy alcohol drinks and that money can be more use full.

if you buy it , your money will be useless , what did you got after drink it ??
You can have diseases , right .
coz alcohol is not good for our health if too much...


1: No
2: If you have ever tasted Victory Storm King Imperial Stout
the you would know were the money was spent baby.
3: Victory Storm King Imperial Stout is the best tasting beer that I've ever had, and at 9% alcohol level. Now that's not a waste of money at all

1. no
2. like them

1: Yes
2: You pay an incredible amount more for alcohol that fruit juice or soft drinks and even more if you are out at a club or tavern. It warrants occasion purchase, but regular excessive drinking can quickly drain ones bank account, which affects your family and work life.
3. Don't do drugs.

1. No

2. They tend to help you relax and improve your mood.

3. They should be done in moderation, in other words about
two or at the most three should be your limit. Overuse or
abuse of alcohol can cause a person to become
addicted and dependent upon it. Once that happens
their life is no longer their own.

hi, first of all i have to say, when you write in "this is a survey," it really makes me laugh.

1. no.
2. drinking has so many levels, i.e., it's an important
social manner.
3. i don't drink as often and much as i eat pop, but i say i
like them both at different times and occasions.

I agree that it is recreational.

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