I've got my driving test at 4pm but......?!

Question: I've had quite a bit to drink with my lunch out with friends....any advice? I'm not wasted just 3 beers and 2 JD and cokes and a glass or 2 of red.

Answers: I've had quite a bit to drink with my lunch out with friends....any advice? I'm not wasted just 3 beers and 2 JD and cokes and a glass or 2 of red.

Get some gum.

well ur in trouble- if the tester suspects instead of giving you a license he/she can actually ban you from getting one- even if u do well enough to pass! Dont go- cancel due to sickness or something!

I would skip the test and try later.

You have two hours to get that out of your system, no chance. Just as others have said, if the examiner thinks you have been drinking you wont be able to take your test.

Bloody hell, bit excessive even for dutch courage!

Well that's a waste of £48.50!!!
Phew that's a relief i didn't like the idea of you giving money away.

if your old enough to go out to lunch with friends and order drinks, especially that amount, then you should already have had your driving test years ago.

but, if i were you i would see if i could get it reschedueled. Its responsable and safe.

good luck with the test, whenever you take it.

your a bloody idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no u cnt take ur test ur over the limit its ppl like u that kill other drivers !!!

WOW, u didn't seem to care too much about that test buddy and your friends aren't really your friends if they let you do it. I suggest you call in to cancel your test, tell them that something urgent has come up and get it rescheduled, pref ably in the morning when most people don't start drinking yet.

Good grief are you mad? Cancel it you are over the limit

Cancel the test. You are over the limit.

If you are that irresponsible you ought not to take your test in the future either. The rest of us will be safer with you not driving!

It's not always about you. If you have been drinking then drive and have an accident you deserve what happens to you but what about the child you leave without a parent, or the person you maim?

Be responsible or forget driving.

Your well over the limit..

Cancel your test and do it sometime when your a little more sensible..!!

that is way too much over the limit!
i would recommend you reschedule.

TAKE YOUr test when you are sober after 2 of the 3 beers you were leagaly drunk in canada and most us states. good way to start driving drunk to take the test. if you blew you would be close or over .o8 or .05 some places

the alcohol will smell through your pours..i suggest you call and rebook the test , say you're not well and can't make it*

if you go, and the instructor suspects you've been drinking you'll never get your licence, he can report you to the police..it will definately cloud your judgement and you shouldn't be on the road.

Having that much to drink (3 beers, 2 jack daniels /with coke and a glass or 2 of red wine..) i would hate to see what you drink to consider yourself "wasted".

If you have such a problem with not being able to say NO* to drinking at lunch with friends...you shouldn't be applying to get behind the wheel of a car and drive*

You're well over the limit, so you might as well cancel the test. You'll lose your payment because it's last minute, but that's your own silly fault.

I know people get nervous before their test, but drinking won't help.

ummm... I would reschedule. if they smell any alcohol on you at all. I'm pretty sure it will be a while before you get your license. if you do decide to go... I would load up on the Listerine!!!

haha i was gonna say you'd be fine after 3 beers with 4 hours to process it

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