Why are blokes generally mentalists when it comes to alcohol?!!!?!


Why are blokes generally mentalists when it comes to alcohol?!!!?

i know a group of lads who are drinking from 1pm this afternoon till the pubs shut at 3am. how do they do it!? don't get me wrong, i do like a few vodkas on a night out but how do they handle so many drinks!!

The key is practise, men seem to practise more, but it is not always a good thing...

That said, Derek, I salute you, turning it into a science is impressive, sounds like fun too, (naughty but fun).

The German fellow with the salt is onto something. The key is water. Alcohol is a diuretic, it makes your body get rid of water. Less water = more concentration of alcohol, that's why the first drinks don't hit you hard but then you go on a fast slippery slope. Salt aids water retention, that is why rehydration packs for runners etc contain sodium, the German chap is conserving his water (all very Dune) and thereby keeping the alcohol diluted. That said, it is not healthy long term.

The trick is to drink water drink for drink with the alcoholic drinks and keep yourself hydrated (lessens hangovers too.)

You have obviously never been to the big market in Newcastle, the women there drink the men under the table :)

I think alcohol should be able to be bought off-the-shelf without requiring licenses or permits or whatsoever in tetra packaging so the pubs can be demolished and put to better use for the pubs are occupying valuable space that could be let out.

HHH His Highness Hefner

How the heck do they afford it?

A German friend of mine used to take few teaspoons of salts before the drinking session. He says doing so help reduce the effect of drunk/tipsiness. Don't know how true is this, but among us, he is the greatest drinker with the longest sane endurance. He can drink from 4pm till the pub shuts at 3am. U can try. :)

Alcohol is a drug and like all drugs, once you start using it, you're body acclimates to it. the amount you drank at first, now is not enough. So you're body requires more to be satisfied and the cycle goes on and on.

The question is are they maintaining a drunken status or are they just getting piss drunk? if you ever go on holiday to the US let me know and I'll take you to a kegs & eggs where we start drinking at 5 am and go till the next morning or longer. We do that by drinking beer and maintaining a drunken but not to drunken state. Passing out is not an option or you miss out on something you never know till its over and done with what you missed out on. One other thing is that your drinking vodka which is harder to maintain a drunk status, one drink gets you tipsy, the second puts you past the point but not enough to realize it, so that you drink a third and become silly and pass-out drunk. Beer is easier to drink slowly and maintain a good buzz with out getting to drunk, of course some know how and others don't.

I don't understand the mentalist part of your question but men tend to be able to drink more than women because of the physical differences.
Women are affected by alcohol more rapidly because they tend to have a higher proportion of body fat than men. Because fat can not absorb alcohol, it is in higher concentrations in the blood.
Also women have less of the stomach enzyme, dehydrogenase, that metabolizes or breaks down alcohol before it enters the bloodstream.
This is why as a general rule of thumb men can drink more and drink for longer than women.

...i drink everyday from morning to night...i even wake up in the middle of the night and drink to go back to sleep ...it is called chronic alcohism...it is terrible....they drink because stopping is painfull

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