How do i cover up being drunk?!


How do i cover up being drunk?

i am going to a party on the weekend and its pretty obvious that were gonna get drunk. The problem is, usually i would sleep over after but i cant this time and my dad is picking me up afterwards, he would go ballistic if i was drunk. Also, please dont say dont drink because i want too, thats the problem

Just smoke pot instead of drinking, then you only have to figure out how to hide the smell

Since you know that your dad is going to get mad, just drink until you get a little tipsy. you don't have to be completely drunk to have a good time.

Eat and drink as much non-alcoholic stuff as you can about 30 minutes before your dad comes. Unless you are completely messed up, it will take some of the edge off. Though you cant really fake much with your parents. Unless your dad has a big problem with it or you are extremely underage, then your dad might understand and be happy you didnt drive.

Drink something with no booze in it but let your friends think your drunk so you can show off and Dad will not get mad at a sober kid

you can't cover up being drunk. drinking coffee will simply make you a wide awake drunk.
You can try eating lots of fat food- that will slow up the alcohol uptake from the stomach - which means you'll be less drunk in the short term, but heavilly drunk later on. Throwing up in the meantime might help- though that's not my favourite part.

If you'll take my advice, drink in moderation but don't get drunk. Much more fun this way and you'll not end up having your head shaved (or worse) by some "friend" with a twisted (and drunken) sense of humour

Limit your drinking to one an hour or every 45 minutes. you can still have a good time and drink but not till you are on your lips. I suppose you are under age, beware drinking to access now, you could end up in trouble as you get older.

You probably are not going to get away with it,but do somthing to cover up the smell of alcohol,and also stop drinking a couple hours prior to dad showing up.Good luck

Tough - don't drink any way.

If you can't have just one or two drinks, but have to have enough to get drunk, you can't control your drinking. That's a classic sign of an alcoholic.

And before you say, "Oh, I'm not an alcoholic - I just drink once in awhile at parties. Alcoholics are drunk all the time". That's a classic sign of denial - another one of the red flags.

Besides, you sound like you're underage any way. You're putting several tons of liability on someone's parents. Not to mention yourself - what happens when someone who doesn't have a ride home gets in a crash and hurts or kills themselves - or maybe someone else? A little kid, maybe? Maybe they hit and kill your dad, who's on the way to pick you up?

Be smart - don't drink this weekend.

Suck on some pennies buddy

go to aa meetings

Drink but don't get drunk or change your plans & spend the night. You will risk it if you can't control yourself from your wants.

play it off by eating some food or fake a sleep

Tell him that you had a stroke...oh, and eat lots of mints.
Dude, you're going to get caught, so gird your loins!

i cant help you. this is your own problem you have to figure out on your own dude

use a blanket

Don't talk too much on the way home.

Dude, if you get drunk there'll be no covering it up - the smell as soon as you get in the car will bust you, even 1 or 2 drinks would be enough...

Give oral sex to some guy. The sucking effect greatly sobers you up and when Dad sees the mayo running down your chin he'll forget all about you getting drunk.

You can't really cover it up. Don't get drunk, but you can still drink. Just quit drinking a bit before dad comes.

dont worry man ull be fine ive been picked up by my parents drunk and high sooo many times and ive never been caught just play it cool and just be quiet unless asked stuff and think or try to

you have no way out of this one....he will know!

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