Why does alcohol make you pee a lot?!

Question: I've been peeing a LOT in the last hour.. like bad..

While I was peeing a minute ago I wondered why this happens? I'm drunk and on yahoo answers.. yeah... haha.. sad? yes..

Answers: I've been peeing a LOT in the last hour.. like bad..

While I was peeing a minute ago I wondered why this happens? I'm drunk and on yahoo answers.. yeah... haha.. sad? yes..

Ha,ha,ha yea, that is pretty funny. You're doing good with the grammar though!

When I drink beer, I pee ALOT b/c I drink ALOT. If you think about it, when was the last time you sat and drank like 6 cans of pop straight? If you did, you'd be peeing a lot too.

I pee alot when I drink hard alcohol as well b/c I chase it with pop or orange juice, so once again, I am taking in more liquids than I am used to.

Keep up the good work!! lol

wha did u have beer? if its hard liquor by itself u shoudlnt be peein tha much.

It dehydrates you that is also why alcohol causes a hangover; severe dehydration.

More so, you're peeing alot because youre drunk, and have been drinking alot!

I wish i was drunk...

I think it's just because you're drinking a lot, so you have to put a lot out in the end. You probably just don't realize it because you're not paying much attention to how much you've had.

Because you're drinking a liquid your body does not need and can't use, so it processes it and passes it right on out.

Alcohol replaces the water in ur bloodstream, the more alcohol u consume, the more water is gonna be pushed out. thats y u get a hangover, its really bad dehydration

your system is trying to flush it out, because its a toxin. Thats why it dehydrates you, (through sweating, peeing, and vomiting). That feeling like your brain is scraping against your dry skull when you are severly hungover, is also from dehydration.

Diuretic Effect: Alcohol is a diuretic that blocks vasopressin (Anti-Diuretic Hormone) from regulating the osmotic gradient of the blood, therefore it is not the overall amount of fluids, but the total alcohol content that affects urination frequency (i.e. one pint of ale will make you piss as much as a good-sized shot of hard alcohol).

When alcohol is consumed, it enters the bloodstream and causes the pituitary gland in the brain to block the creation of vasopressin. Without this chemical, the kidneys send water directly to the bladder instead of reabsorbing it into the body. This is why drinkers have to make frequent trips to the bathroom after urinating for the first time after drinking.

According to studies, drinking about 250 milliliters of an alcoholic beverage causes the body to expel 800 to 1,000 milliliters of water; that's four times as much liquid lost as gained. This diuretic effect decreases as the alcohol in the bloodstream decreases, but the aftereffects help create a hangover.

The morning after heavy drinking, the body sends a desperate message to replenish its water supply -- usually manifested in the form of an extremely dry mouth. Headaches result from dehydration because the body's organs try to make up for their own water loss by stealing water from the brain, causing the brain to decrease in size and pull on the membranes that connect the brain to the skull, resulting in pain.

The frequent urination also expels salts and potassium that are necessary for proper nerve and muscle function; when sodium and potassium levels get too low, headaches, fatigue and nausea can result. Alcohol also breaks down the body's store of glycogen in the liver, turning the chemical into glucose and sending it out of the body in the urine. Lack of this key energy source is partly responsible for the weakness, fatigue and lack of coordination the next morning. In addition, the diuretic effect expels vital electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for proper cell function.

Sometimes I get drunk just so I can pee a lot.
I think I'll start right now!

Its a diuretic.. thats just what they do. Same reason coffee makes you have to pee.

You're saying that you've been drinking a lot... and don't know why you're peeing??


Usually when one drinks a lot of liquids.... they pee.

If you drink a bunch of water... guess what, you're going to pee a bunch. It doesn't matter WHAT you're drinking just that you're drinking.

pills are better i knew a girl who drank too many beers then wet her pants cause she drank to much

Because your body is trying to rid itself of toxins.

With this peeing though, make sure you drink water so you don't get dehydrated and have a killer hangover after =(

you have to get the liquid out somehow. Also your body needs to flush the toxins out.

that other person somewhere above me is right... it is cause your body can't use the fluid and so it just filters it and relieves it... pees it... that is why it is so bad for your liver. Did u drink 6 beers in an hour like I told you to? nice...

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