When i go to AA, should i mention that i still have a keg of heinken in my bedroom?!

Question: i am not trying to quit but slow down. maybe to drinking to 5 days a week instead of the usually 7.

Answers: i am not trying to quit but slow down. maybe to drinking to 5 days a week instead of the usually 7.

Well, I would say that you are caught in a very tough situation...I would suggest you take up a AA Sponser and council w/ them.....But I do know what theyll say...They will advise you to take the "Heiniken and dump it!!"..I could laugh and joke about this question.., but Its a choice, really a choice that you have to make..and Stick by it...There are some funny, and humorus answers..in here...I even thought some were funny and unique...But then I started reading the serious ones..And It Really Made Me Think...about what Shana B and TE had to say...Theyre both on "opposite sides of the spectrum"..One Admits that he is a "drunk", and the Other is the exact opposite..Shana B decided not to take any in because "one drink can lead to another"..I Feel that Shana B is very smart..I have a friend that is pregnant goin on seven mos., her bf is also sober..but not anymore..He was so stress out because their baby is damaged from all the drinking she did...Im sad for all of them..He relasped and started taking drugs again..I feel for the baby in her womb..I feel for them all...This to me no matter how you joke, banter, serious..It all comes down to : Are you serious enough to just stop drinking..period..There are Family and Friends that love you...and When you go to AA, I suggest that you find a Sponser w/ common ground, and Council w/ him/her ...If youre not..and feel that you can "cut back", then I suggest you get a network..and it sounds like you already have one..If youre not ready to stand up and "tell everyone you have a keg of "heiniken " in your bedroom...Tell your Sponser at least..Everyone is "different and Unique.."..and It pays to be honest w/ yourself as much as it is everyonelse...You owe that to yourself...Only you can make this decision..whether youre goin to "cut back', or "stop entirely"..I will pray that you make the decision that is right for you..God bless..Im here for you if you need me..;)TC>
w/love sydney

lmao that could be a problem if your an alcoholic

If you have a problem, you should quite. If you have it in control, then good luck with that. But, if you go to AA. do not go there with the intention of slowing down, go there with a desire to stop drinking.

Um...I'd maybe mention that in the next meeting. At least to get everyone's input!

I have never been to AA meeting, I'm a drunk alcoholics go to meeting's, Ask another member....

Yes, you should mention it so you can see what the advice is.

I quit drinking over 6 years ago with AA. What I found is that once I have one drink, I want another. But I don't stop there... I have another, then another...etc until I pass out. So the only way for me to avoid getting drunk was to not take that first drink.

And after realizing how much better life is when I'm not self-medicating with alcohol, every single day for the past 6+ years I have made the decision that today, I will not take that first drink.

AA works if you work it. Good luck!

i hope someone smacks you silly for wasting and entire keg of beer....unless of course you kept it cold. if so, i apologize. wanna go together?? i'm doing the lead tonight.

Dude, you sound like someone who hasn't smoked weed yet. Blah, blah, it may be illegal, but its more fun and not as damaging as alcy, and all you have to do is find someone suspicious and ask em.

yea u might want to talk about that

Shana B is right, drinking 1 can lead you into drinking more...I'd mention it...
But on the other hand...you can just share it out so if people drink faster than you or more people are there to share, then you won't end up drinking as much! Plus, you get to have a sip...at least...

If you are in AA, there is probably a reason you are there. I speak from experience. If you are serious about your recovery-be honest with them, but more importantly, be honest with yourself! That is the key to AA anyway-no more denial, or self-delusions.

No offense, but sounds like you already have a 'situation' with drinking, I suspect cutting down won't work for you in the long run even though that probably isn't what you want to hear, I will take that chance.

I haven't drank for a while, yet I am still funny and interesting and have only changed for the better!

I think the fact that this question is under "Fodd & Drink" and not "Health" says something. If you are drinking every day, then you are going to need to make a serious commitment to AA and also get some treatment.

Keep going to the meetings--be honest with them, and be honest with yourself. You yourself have to decide that you are going to get better before you can get helped.

I'm going to need you to give that away and 5 days a week is too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Doesn't matter Heineken isn't real beer.

any 1 with a keg in his bed is a drunk drink the keg then go to the meeting then all the drunks will have something to talk about

i say you skip the AA meeting and hang out with mr. heineken instead!

If u tell them then the other grubby alco's will come to ur house and try and steal it...

Wrap it up in a nice jacket and craddle it at night. Keep it safe.

If you're going on your own accord then It's fine if you want to mention it to have peace of mind. "No" if you are court ordered to be there and/or have to have a paper signed(if you have a probation/parole officer), because they'll probably have to let the court know that you were in violation of the terms given by the court. I hope this can help.

Under no circumstances should you mention the keg. You wouldn't want to cause some otherwise squared-away AA member to be tempted to come over to your place and relapse. AA isn't going to help you go from seven to five, anyway. They are all about finding God, working steps, and abstaining totally. Check out Harm Reduction or Moderation Management if you just want to cut back.

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