How exactly can you make alcohol with kool-aid?!

Question: I heard that you can make alcohol with kool-aid by putting a little more sugar in it then you normally would and then let it sit out for a month or this true?
If so, what ingredients do you need and how much of it should you use exactly? How long should this sit and will it spoil?

Answers: I heard that you can make alcohol with kool-aid by putting a little more sugar in it then you normally would and then let it sit out for a month or this true?
If so, what ingredients do you need and how much of it should you use exactly? How long should this sit and will it spoil?

Nope, this is not a urban ledgend, but it sure sounds like one! It CAN be done.

Sugar is food for yeast, but it contains no nutrients. Kool-Aid powder also contains no nutrients. You can add a tablespoon or two of frozen orange juice concentrate to the Kool-Aid and supply nutrients for the yeast. I also recommend adding more sugar than Kool-Aid normally requires. Lastly, it's best to ferment the sugar/water/nutrient mixture first, and add the Kool-Aid flavoring later. Kool-Aid contains chemicals that have unpredictable results to a yeast habitat. When fermenting non-juice mixtures or difficult-to-ferment juice mixtures, it also helps to shake the bottle gently daily to mix up the nutrients. You'll most likely end up with a low ABV %, but alcohol will be present. I can't promise you anything on the flavor either.

This isn’t quite the shocking government secret everyone is making it out to be. You can make alcohol/wine from all types of things a under-age person can buy and the FDA hasn’t “pulled” anything off the shelves. Garlic, cucumbers, prunes, cherries, apples (cider is probably the easiest), coconut milk, etc… all can be fermented and the direction to do so can be easily found online. Fermentation is a natural function! Somehow the FDA, ATF, and other government agencies aren't that worried about it. Relax folks. ;-)

...No, this isn't true.


If the FDA even thought this could possibly be true, they would pull kool-aid off the market so fast it would make your head spin.

no true unless you add some alcohol then you have kool-aid liquor

You're under age, so I'm not going to tell you how to do it. Suffice it to say, your recipe would taste terrible as it would require wild yeasts floating in the air to ferment it. And the level of alcohol wouldn't be high at all.

You are obviously a 12 year old little kid trying to get drunk. Drinking fermented kool aid really isn't the way to do it kid. Go to school.

I brew my own beer. 5 gallons at a time. No-one ever checks my ID when I go to the brewing store to buy the supplies. If I would have discovered home brewing when I was a teenager, I could have made my own beer and not worried about turning 21. My dad may have had something to say about my new hobby though.

If you use Turbo Yeast and sugar it will ferment in about 5 days to 20%

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