Best recipe for creating a hangover?!

Question: I've seen enough questions on here on how to avoid a hangover, but what's your tried & true recipe TO CREATE a hangover? The more outrageous and colorful (but true) the better!

Answers: I've seen enough questions on here on how to avoid a hangover, but what's your tried & true recipe TO CREATE a hangover? The more outrageous and colorful (but true) the better!

Everclear has the highest percent of alcohol, it's 95% or 98%. Be careful with it, because it feels like battery acid down your throat and you should only take one or two shots to get pretty trashed.

I usually hold my liquor well, but the last time I was hung over, I had two Red Devils, an Amertto Sour, Gingerale and Captain Morgan Rum, two Cranberry and Vodka, a glass of Champagne, and tons and tons of beer. It was enough for me to vomit three times and pee on myself twice. Good thing I have great roommates who helped me, I couldn't even rememeber anything the next morning, I had the worst headache and stomach pains ever.

well then, if you're trying to avoid a bad hangover, then don't drink lots and lots of vodka. i almost finished 2 bottles of vodka by myself and let me tell u, that did not turn out pretty at all. to begin with, i filled up 2 whole trashbags with vomit, and the next day my head was going to explode, literally. avoid vodka if u don't want a hangover.

Why would you want one?

spirits are the best mainly vodka can create hang overs and dont drink much water or mix it that much but dont drink to much cause you might die lol

Just add to much moonshine to anything and drink it up on an empty stomach! Lol.

I don't know why you'd want to, but...

It's all about how how much water you drink along with your alcohol. So drink the hard stuff and avoid other liquids like mixers. For example drink the rum, not the rum&coke. Avoid Beer and wine because they have lots of water in them.

Ignore anyone that says it's about mixing different kinds of alcohol. That doesn't matter. Alcohol is alcohol.

But if you actually try this, your nuts.

whisky+beer+vodka+scotch+watever else the hell is on the bar.
OST Bunty Aur Babli, the scene just before the Kajra Re song.

"Some Absinthe Cocktail can do that best"
Absinthe Martini
2 ozs. gin
1/2 oz. dry vermouth
1/8 teaspoon Absinthe
Stir well with ice. Strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. Very pleasant with an onion stuffed olive. Some bartenders pour a soucon of Absinthe into the glass, swirl it around and then add the martini.

**The main herbs used to produce Absinthe are green anise, florence fennel, and grande wormwood, often called the "holy trinity.Though it was vilified, evidences shows absinthe to be any more dangerous than ordinary alcohol, and its psychoactive properties are believed to have been exaggerated.

take a pint glass put in a large measure of dark rum 1 measure of campari 1 measure of ouzo top up with scrumpy ice/lemon optional hangover guaranteed

Alcohols that are clear tend to easier to take, i.e Vodka, Light Rum. Main thing is don't buy the cheap stuff, when it comes to hard alcohol( less impurities). Beers, the only advice I have is drink water while consuming over time. Wine is another animal. Wines with a heavy amount of sulfates give most people, who have consumed a lot, a problem. Last, and I'm sure you have heard this- Beer before liquor/ never been sicker; liquor before beer never fear. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy around people you trust!!!

Tried and true is a strong boilermaker:
pint or larger beer
1 shot whiskey
Drop shot into beer and chug. Almost guaranteed hangover!
Also know as an Irish Car Bomb( 1 pint Guinness, 3/4 shot Jameson whiskey, 1/4 shot Bailey's Irish Cream)

I wouldn't try this but I had a friend drink 1/2 bottle of 151 and he freaked out, pucked all over my house, finally fell asleep, woke up 36hrs later, and had a raging headache for almost a week after.

Different alcs. effect people differently so learn your/ their tolerance!

Antibiotics, wine, beer = most horrendous hangover I've had in years, if not ever!

Start with 6 pints of Stella 2 bottles of red wine and finish with half a bottle of whiskey

ABSINTHE!!! The green fairy AKA mind eraser.

I know a LOT of people (including my girlfiend) that say a lot of wine gives you the worst hangover. For those of us (myself) that aren't wineos (lol) we wouldn't know. But, the worst hangover i've ever had would be about six shiner bocks and at least 15 shots of Goldshlagger (spelling is probably off). I was sick as a dog from the time i woke up in the morning to the time i went to sleep late, late that night.

BTW. Absinth isn't nearly as strong as people make it out to be. It's strong, yes, (90-150proof), but everclear is far stronger.

TRUE STORIES: I was in the food and beverage business over 26 years. LOTS of experiences come to mind. For some reason, the following stick out.
#1: WAY BEFORE any of the more stringent DUI laws were on the books: At one time I had two friends who were born on the same day as I was - yet dirfferent years.

One day we were sitting around drinking, when one of us had the absolutely brilliant idea to have a combination birthday party!

We rented our favorite watering hole. All in all about 150 to 200 of our closest family, friends and acquaintences showed-up for an evening of partying - complete with a six-piece band!

The beer, wine and adult beverages "flowed like water"! Just about ALL of us got blitzed!

At one point I went to the rest room. Someone came in to thank me for the wondreful time AND to tell me a joke. [I don't remember the joke.] I laughed so hard, I was lying on the floor with laughter.

I don't remember much of the rest of that night. I know when I woke up the next morning, "The Queen" [the lady I was dating at the time] was next to me. I rolled over to sit-up and the room started spinning like a top. My head was splitting - like someone took an axe and cut my head in half.

When I finally was able to get up, I went into the living room. There was a 1/4 keg with one of my "Birthday Buddies" lying next to it - asleep. How both of them got there, I couldn't tell you. How I got home, I couldn't tell you.

I went back to bed and woke up some time later - with that same hangover. At the time the ONLY way I THOUGHT I could get rid of the hangover was to party some more! AND we did! AND I siffered with that same hangover for two days!

TRUE STORY #2: "The Queen" and I closed the restaurant. We were off the next day [really that day]. We went to the club and closed it.

We decided to go to a world-famous cheese steak place in Philadelphia. We had our cheese steaks. By this time it was day break.

We weren't ready to go home. She wanted to go to the Philadelphia Art Museum steps and do the "Rocky" routine. We did that.

While in Philadelphia, we went to a little corner bar. We had a few "eye-openers".

THEN I drove back the house. We STILL weren't ready for bed. We stayed-up and partied until it was time to go to work! We went to work and I worked with that same kind of hangover I had on our "Tri-Birthday" night!

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! I wish you well!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

why do you want to create a hangover most normal folks would like to avoid them but if you must ><><mix 1/2 oz cream de menthe 1/2 oz good vodka and ice to the top if you cant handle em like this add 7 up drink as many as you can and you will have the worlds worst hangover. # 2 1 oz white cream de menthe 1 oz white rum or vodka if you prefere fix to taste with 7 up drink as many as you can and you will have the ultimate hangover. bring the bucket to bed you might just need it. # 1 green monster #2 screaming lizzard HAPPY HANGOVER AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE @ BIG GLASSES OF MILK IN THE MORNING FIX YOU RIGHT UP

if u wanna a 3 day hangover,drink 2-3 bottles of wine.if u wanna 1 day hangover,beer is ur best me,tried that many many times

start with beer (even though it has water in it alcohol is a diuretic so it wont be a problem). When you are feeling good switch to shooters. Because you had the beer you won't notice the shooters until it is too late.

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