How Much Beer A Day to Be Considered an Alcoholic?!


How Much Beer A Day to Be Considered an Alcoholic?

I Mean 2 at Lunch & 2 at Dinner is 4 a day
(which Translates to a Case a week)

So a 12 pac Friday & a 12 Pac saterday
+ a couple during the weeks the same 28 beers for the week

So If someone Only Drinks Beer
How Much is A Lot

& at what Point would You say Thier an Alcoholic

Additional Details

2 months ago
OK some of you are assumeing
This Hypathetical Scenario is How much I Drink
I Have in the Past when I Partied mare & went to Nightclubs & worked Construction average 3-4 beers a day
Now maybe 1-2 a day sometimes none for 3 or for week (talking average per Day) so just wondering general public opinion at which point is someone considered an Alcoholic, Like how many per Day or ?

2 months ago
OK some of you are assumeing
This Hypathetical Scenario is How much I Drink
I Have in the Past when I Partied mare & went to Nightclubs & worked Construction average 3-4 beers a day
Now maybe 1-2 a day sometimes none for 3 or for week (talking average per Day) so just wondering general public opinion at which point is someone considered an Alcoholic, Like how many per Day or ?

I think 4 per day is fine. As well as a case on Friday and Saturday. =) I had 4 strong vodka drinks last night and I am going to drink a lot tonight and Saturday as well. As long as you are able to get up and take care of your responsibilities you are fine.

you're an alcoholic. Try going on the alanon page. I think they will tell you that if you drink every day you are an alcoholic.

You are an alcoholic only when you cannot stop from drinking the stuff. Even beer can make someone an alcoholic but as long as the drinking does not interfere with your normal daily life then there is no problem to worry about (except for your liver of course).

according to the experts if you have three or more drinks ,including beer, a day every day you are alcoholic. the truth of the matter is when you live to drink you have a problem

when they drink for NO reason... when ur having it for breakfast, when ur becoming abusive. when they stop and hands tremble

That's excessive in my opinion. Anyone who drinks more than a glass (maaaybe 2), every day, might be an alcoholic. Especially if they drink alone.

There are also "binge drinkers" who don't drink every day, but when they do drink, they always get trashed bcause they drink to excess. That can also be considered alcoholism, as both regular and binge alcohol consumption can cause significant liver damage.

It's not how much it's why or when

If you have to ask, stop drinking.

I think the fact that you phrased the question in terms of days rather than weeks indicates that you drink to much beer, whether or not you are an alcoholic. Drink less, the Endoplasmic Reticulum in your liver will thank you gratuitously

Different people may be able to drink different amounts before crossing over the "alcoholic" line. Personally, I think more than 3-5 drinks a week is too much - for me. Others may be able to drink more, or less, before it becomes a problem for them, or before they become dependent on being able to drink in order to function. Remember, you can be an alcholic without getting drunk - you just become "alcohol dependent."

Here are some questions to ask to help you decide where you are at:

Do you ever drink heavily when you are disappointed, under pressure or have had a quarrel with someone?

Can you handle more alcohol now than when you first started to drink?

Have you ever been unable to remember part of the previous evening, even though your friends said that you did not pass out?

When drinking with other people, do you try to have a few extra drinks when others won't know about?

Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable if alcohol is not available?

Do you sometimes feel a little guilty about your drinking?

Are you in more of a hurry to get your first drink of the day than you used to be?

Has a family member or close friend ever expressed concern or complained about your drinking?

Have you been having more memory 'blackouts' recently?

Do you often want to continue drinking after your friends say they've had enough?

Do you usually have a reason for the occasions when you drink heavily?

When you're sober, do you sometimes regret things you did or said while drinking?

Have you tried switching brands or drinks, or following different plans to control your drinking?

Have you sometimes failed to keep promises you.made to yourself about controlling or cutting down on your drinking?

Have you ever had a DWI (driving while intoxicated) or DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) violation, or any other legal problem related to your drinking?

Do you try to avoid family or close friends while you are drinking?

Are you having more financial, work, school and/or family problems as a result of your drinking?

Has your physician ever advised you to cut down on your drinking?

Do you eat very little or irregularly during the periods when you are drinking?

Do you sometimes have the "shakes" in the morning and find that it helps to have a "little" drink, tranquilizer medication of some kind?

Have you recently noticed that you can't drink as much as you used to?

Do you sometimes stay drunk for several days at a time?

After periods of drinking do you sometimes see or hear things that aren't there?

Have you ever gone to anyone for, help about your drinking?

Do you ever feel depressed or anxious before, during or after of heavy drinking?

Hope this helps.

If you feel you need or crave or cannot live without these beers you most likely have a problem. 28 beers a week is alot to function normally in society. Very time consuming.

Considered an alcoholic...That is up to you! You work hard, You Play hard. I am a chef and Have 2- 3 drinks a night when I get home on my days off I might drink 2 bottles of wine at dinner. I do not think I am an alcoholic. This is the Problem with today's world they have to label everyone and anything it can. Are you Happy, is your family happy with you! if your not then stop if you are. Brother your alright in my book.

Everybody has their own vague definition of what an alcoholic is.. It is not necessarily what you drink or how you drink it, it is more about the effect that it has on you, the people around you, and quality of life in general.

If your drinking causes tension with a loved one, or missed time from work, financial stress, reckless behavior.. those are problems. If you drink to escape the stresses of life it is a problem.

As for how much is too much? Different people have different limits. Could be 2 beers? Could be 12? .. and the person drinking is the oftenly the last person that would know when the limit has been reached..
If you are concerned that you might be drinking too much.. you might be trying to tell youself that it is time to tone it down some.

My father in law has a 6 pack a day and case on weekends but he holds it well . I think if you can hold your liquor and not want to do stupid **** then you are not an alcoholic . But if you have to have it the your in trouble .

I'd say the most important question would be whether or not the person could do without it completely. Do they HAVE to have it or can they live without it.

ok, according to any phsyc evaluation or any perscription medication directions, they say 3 a day is the limit.

Only you can make that decision. There is no such thing as being a little bit alcoholic. Either you are, or you are not.

And only the individual involved can say whether or not alcohol has become an unmanageable problem.

You have to decide if deep down inside, that alcohol has you licked and that you are ready to try anything that would free you from the compulsion to drink.

You have to decide if you have gone through terrifying experiences with alcohol and are ready to admit that alcohol is not for you.

Recovery from drinking is a wonderful world. It is scary at first because you feel like you are giving up a loyal friend that you have known on a daily basis. Life becomes incredible, but it takes time and work.

Well, just the fact that you're asking is a sign of alcoholism.
But yeah, 28 beers a week by any measure is alot. Some study said just 10 a week triples your risk of colon cancer. Having a drink or two daily is cool, especially after a long day but anymore than that and...well, yeah.
It's not so much that after you drink a certain amount, you're an alcoholic. You can't tell someone "if you drink 9 beers you're not an alcoholic, but if you drink 10, you are". It's more about how much you need it. How long can you go without it? If you say you can quit whenever you want then try proving it to yourself. Next time you're hanging with buddies and they bring beer will be the real test.
Alcoholics typically say that once they start drinking one night, they generally can't stop. Meaning, one isn't enough (or 6 for that matter). If you're gonna have a drink with buddies on the weekend, try having 1 or 2 instead of 12 and notice how you react to it. If you feel like you gotta drink more, then you might be an alcoholic.

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