Extacy for the first time?!

Question: i did e for the first time last night at a show. 20 mins after i didnt feel a thing and all my friends were already feeling it. later on that night the cops showed up they said the party was over so i walked home and them out of no where it just hits me and !wow! it fealt great. my question is do i have to move around to start feeling it because at the show i just stood around and my friend told me i had to move around or else it wouldnt do anything to me? is that true? and does anyone have any tips when taking e like the dos and donts. thanks

Answers: i did e for the first time last night at a show. 20 mins after i didnt feel a thing and all my friends were already feeling it. later on that night the cops showed up they said the party was over so i walked home and them out of no where it just hits me and !wow! it fealt great. my question is do i have to move around to start feeling it because at the show i just stood around and my friend told me i had to move around or else it wouldnt do anything to me? is that true? and does anyone have any tips when taking e like the dos and donts. thanks

The high lasts about 6 hours, but the drug lasts about 12, that's why you're still feeling it. When you take e, be sure to drink plenty of water because the drug can cause you to become dehydrated and that is what kills people, but don't over drink water either because you can have an H2Overdose. I usually drink about 3-6 bottles of water. Breath mints are excellent when you are rolling. Only take mind altering substances with close friends you can trust, and make sure at least one friend is sober so that person can take you places and do other things people on drugs can't do (drive, talk to cashiers, buy things using common sense, etc.), and most importantly, because a sober person can assess the situation if someone starts having a bad time. Only use drugs (including alcohol) on occasions when the the setting calls for it. Meaning, don't do it every weekend just because it's fun because drug abuse causes many problems in life and can lead to addiction. You should also know your limit and stick to it! Take care of your responsibilities before taking breaks from life. Make sure to have little or no responsibilities during and after the time of taking drugs (for example; DO NOT do it on a school night, when you have work the next day, or if you have to take care of someone!). Give your mind time to heal after taking drugs; depending on the drug, the time for healing may vary. Use that time to learn a new skill and do some things that are productive with your life in your spare time. Always, ALWAYS, use responsibly!!!

Seek Mental and Medical help before you ruin your life....

first off...DON'T TAKE IT! that one hit you did has completely messed up your sensory. and for the love of god, NEVER have sex after taking e. you will never be able to have an orgasim without it.

if you INSIST on taking it--which isn't wise--then don't do it alone. that stuff can kill you just like any other drug can. it isn't exactly the smartest thing to do.

let me pose a question for you. If all of your friends climbed to the top of the Eiffel tower and told you to jump because everyone was doing it....would you? because in a sense....that is what you did by dropping that tab. you have already messed up your nerve endings and will be lucky if it hasn't already caused a ton of damage.

dont do it again

Ok everyone is going to jump all over your case for doing this...I am not. I personally don't take any drug that is man made...I don't even trust things the doctor gives you...However I have been using natural substances for years. I can't tell you not to do this so I will give you some advice instead. Never buy from someone you don't know. The drug you are taking is dangerous and for all you know the person making it was high themselves so you don't know what might have gotten put in the E. Second if you ever take it and you just really feel awful you need to get to the ER ASAP. Ecstasy isn't a safe drug...people have died from it. So if you really feel strongly about doing it do your research and be safe. Personally if I was you I would leave it alone..but then I don't take anything that people have died from.

Dude, you did it once, and that's OK. Don't make a habit out of it. I swear I am not judging you, I've done my share of drugs, you just want to stay in control.

What the HECK is Bored (the poster above me) saying...."always use responsibly".........are you kidding me? Taking any ILLEGAL substance is far from being responsible, let alone using the drug responsibly.

"Use responsibly" ---- this is like an oxymoron, you cannot do drugs and expect to do them responsibly.

Stop the drugs dude, sooner or later, they will completely ruin and take over your life.

It's really not cool to do drugs, forget them.

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