How many drinks can a 160lb girl have?!


How many drinks can a 160lb girl have?

On an empty stomach, how many drinks is it safe for me to have to get drunk? I'm always pretty worried that I'm bingeing.

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2 months ago
im 6 feet tall, which , i think, makes 160 healthy, "do it my way".

well ive never paid attention before but i dont know the minimal amount i can drink to get drunk, to be on the safe side

2 months ago
im 6 feet tall, which , i think, makes 160 healthy, "do it my way".

well ive never paid attention before but i dont know the minimal amount i can drink to get drunk, to be on the safe side

as many as she wants.

as much as she can handle,

umm it depends on how much ur body can handle...

As many as she likes!


Depends on how long you plan on drinking. I would say at 160 lbs you're pretty safe at 2 drinks an hour.

if you have to ask this question, you've probably already started down the road to alcohol abuse if you're not there yet. just go out and have fun and forget having to get drunk to enjoy yourself!

5 shots of the good stuff like soco or jose cuervo + 5 beers,3 for barcadi 151 + 3 beers

It all depends on your tolerance level. Maybe 3 to 4 mixed drinks.

You'll know when you have reached your limit. There is not really an amount I can tell you. Plus depends on what you are drinking.

how old are you? and how often do you get drunk/drink?

Go to the link below. It will estimate your blood alcohol level based on body weight, amount of alcohol consumed, duration of time over which the alcohol was consumed, etc.

i drink anything until i pass out, its ok, just find a safe place to sleep,...

You should not drink. It is bad for you. And God does not want you to drink.

it really depends on if you drink often because you might have a tolerance level built up. drink until you have a good buzz and then stop.

Don't be concerned with the public view of binge drinking. Stop when you feel you've had enough. Sometimes you might drink too much (until you puke or passout). Let that be a lesson for the next time and don't drink so much.

In response to an earlier responder:

God never says not to drink. He says not to get drunk. If God was completely against alcohol, why would Jesus turn water to wine?

Well, it all depends on your tolerance for alcohol. If you're a habitual drinker, I'd say you can probably consume several drinks before you start feeling drunk. If you're a binge drinker which you believe you might be, it will probably be only after two or three. Binge drinking is what most high school and college aged people do. They don't drink the majority of the week but come the weekend they consume a large amount of alcohol to almost make up for the week they weren't drinking. Bing drinking has gone up as a more common way of consuming alcohol.

Having a drink or two is not necessarily a bad thing, but getting drunk is not good at all. There's health problems, psycological problems, not to mention the possibility of a DWI. Your inhibitions are lowered, so you do things you would never do while sober......and if you get really drunk you can have blackouts and not remember what you did. Then there are the hang overs where you wish you were dead. My advise is stay sober and find a way to have fun that wont hurt you or anyone else around you, that you'll be able to remember, and that wont make you puke ten times the next day................good luck........this is an important decision, weather you relise it now or not.

The fact that you asked this question might tip you off that you are binging.

The nature of the question itself suggests that your mind is thinking about how to jam more volume of booze down your throat to catch a huge buzz.

Not a healthy thinking pattern in my opinion.

Yeah, i would say about 3 beers in 3 hours. or smirnoff ices. but hard alcohol, 2 shots in 4 hours.

If you want to take your time, you'll be fine. In an hour, no more than four.


on a empty stomach it should not take to much. a few shots of something should do it. some good rum and coke zero does it every time for me

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