Whats 3 + 4=?!
Answers: 7
Are you kidding me? (7)
um... well i always have a problem with science so i mean i dont know.....
4 + 3 = 7.
Think of it this way:
You have 4 Cookies. You also have 3 Cookies. Put them together..then you have 7 Cookies
You have the answer silly, it's ?
wouldn't this be a lot more fun in the math section . 7
Dude, What's with all the math questions?
this is one of those brain teasers. like you draw 3 lines. then u draw four lines on the three lines and u draw out a number.
Bobby has 3 biscuits. Tommy has 4 biscuits.
How long will it take before they have a biscuit war?
Oh yeah --- What was the question?