EX Pothead?!

Question: I used to be a huge pothead and I loved every moment of the time I was getting high off of marijuana. I never wanted to do any other "drug" out there.. Just continue to smoke green. I ran into a problem years back though. I bought some from my local "person" and I rolled a small pin "j." I took one hit and chocked. Nothing out of the normal for me.. All of a sudden my throat went completely numb and chest pain kicked in. I believe my stuff had been laced. Now I am even scared to do something simple like drink a beer or smoke weed. How do I get over my fear of this. Do not answer with "well dont smoke or drink, etc." I just wanna know how I can calm myself down from having this fear anymore.

Answers: I used to be a huge pothead and I loved every moment of the time I was getting high off of marijuana. I never wanted to do any other "drug" out there.. Just continue to smoke green. I ran into a problem years back though. I bought some from my local "person" and I rolled a small pin "j." I took one hit and chocked. Nothing out of the normal for me.. All of a sudden my throat went completely numb and chest pain kicked in. I believe my stuff had been laced. Now I am even scared to do something simple like drink a beer or smoke weed. How do I get over my fear of this. Do not answer with "well dont smoke or drink, etc." I just wanna know how I can calm myself down from having this fear anymore.

I had a similar, though slightly less traumatizing experience. I still blaze a lot, but about 6 months ago i was smoking from this new dealer in my school and i was feeling a little weirder than usual, when this other kid comes up to me and says "dude are you tryin that new laced weed from ****" (leave names out)

I freaked at the time. i was too scared to do anything like that and i thought i was honestly buggin out. what you should start doing is drinking beer, because you can see that it is FDA approved and sealed so nothing can happen. if you are really worried to not drink beers that were already opened. eventually you will start to get over ur fear of drinking, then you can do what i did: i started smoking again like 2 months later, but to this day i only smoke stuff from people i know personally and that i know wud not f*ck me over, and i always inspect it thoroughly before i smoke.

good luck and u will get over it eventually.

dont be a pussy

You shouldn't smoke pot, It does worst things then your incident. But the fear of drinking beer or something should go away easy. Just dont drink too much.

take some xanax. but seriously, you're better off not smoking. i smoke for like two years. . . that **** made me lazy and stupid.

if you fall off the horse you gotta get back on that simple suck it up man up nut up whatever you wanna call it just do it by the way im not tellin you to do drugs just overcome your fear

Try not to think about it, then just make your self take a hit, or start with a beer or drink. DOn't over do it. When nothing awful happens you will feel better about things and relax. Take a deep breath and remember ALL the good times first, no the one bad time. Make sure your dealer does not get weed from that person anymore.

u swallowed a seed. had a bad trip cuz u hadnt smoked 4 a while

It may not have been laced.

Some people develop allergies to certain things, and they can go a long time with no reaction, then BAM it hits them.

Pot really does do weird things to your body & brain, and I think this episode proves it once again.
You're smart to be afraid.
Some people have allergies like this, that cause a similar reaction to Croup, which is, your throat closes off, and you can actually suffocate to death.
If you really want to get high so bad that it's worth the risk of these things, then go ahead.
Just make sure you have your will up to date. I'm sure you don't want your family arguing over your stuff when you're gone.

First you should to relax with some Paul Mason, or some type of dark liquor, because dark liquor is relaxing apose to clear. Second don't buy bud from the the same person ever again, find a better hook up. Good Luck!

Find another supplier.

get some beer and green, get a few friends, and relax.

Use a bong and put crushed ice in the water to cool the smoke so your throat doesn't take such a beating also buy better weed that s%*t you got was probably old and moldy so get some really good thai stick and have a wonderful walk in the woods afterwards that way you learn to truly enjoy the high instead of becoming a part of the furniture, marijuana and other substances like it should be used to expand your capacity for living not have you become some dips@*t sitting around listening to Metallica and wondering who shot Kennedy just use it sparingly and in a safe manner if you are going to and don't drive if you smoke you are still intoxicated and do not have all of your faculties so save a life don't smoke and drive besides the walking will stop the munchies!

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