I think I lost something very important...?!
I think I lost something very important...?
This morning as I was walking to work(cause my car broke down) I forgot to put on underwear...and as us women(I'm 23) can...I didn't put any on. I had to walk on a very busy street. It's like I felt something down my leg.....I tried to look on the sidewalk, only I had taken a few steps so I backtracked...I didn't see anything, but I think I may have lost an overy. I know that they are small, and I really tried to find it, but I was in such a hurry and really couldn't see anything. What do you suggest I do. I have an appointment with by OB on Tuesday. Should I try to find it, or find a doner????? What would you do??
You won't find it. I picked it up and took it home.
I'm going to pickle it and have it with chilled Aquavit before the main course.
Now we're back on topic.
what are u talking about ......
LOLOL... very funny... had me going there!
Moral of this story? PUT ON UNDERWEAR. ;)
AN ovary? what? you a tripping right? lol U can loose an ovary like that lol... men that was a good laugh!
might have been your brain it is even smaller
well i would go back and ask around to see if anyone found an ovary that day cuz theyre very expensive to replace. worst case scenario i think you can make do with one, theyre like lungs, or kidneys, God gives us an extra one just in case.
sorry, I know this is equally tragic as it is true and perhaps an equally committable mistake as putting it in the beer, wine & spirits category. I hope you see your OB-G.
Yeah right, you just dont lose an overy. Ben-wah ball maybe overy no. You have to be a blond to think that one. Also maybe if you had on underware you wont be losing things out of there.