If Jesus drank wine, Is it ok for me to drink alcohol too?!


If Jesus drank wine, Is it ok for me to drink alcohol too?

(I'm 20 years old)

That depends entirely on where you live, and what the legal drinking age there is. Jesus did say one should obey worldly authority - remember "Render unto Caesar..." ?

Even if it's not spiritually wrong to drink wine, it is wrong to break the law, so if the drinking age is 21 where you live, wait the few months until your birthday.

um, legally no. so, let's just leave it at that.

When Jesus gave the wine for his followers to drink it was part of a religious service and after they drank it they didn't keep drinking and drinking until they were drunk.

Many religions are against drinking wine and other spirits.

When people eat, drink, smoke do things that hurt their bodies...then it's wrong to do too much of any one of these things. Some people can do things in a controlled way and others go to the extreme.

It's like driving a car....if you can obey the rules and drive the speed limit then you can keep driving...if you speed over and over again you might get a ticket or even lose your license.

Anything you do, do it in a safe way and you can always study the bible if you are a believer in what God says in his words it's a "recipe for life" so we can live a healthy and enjoyable life without damaging our minds and bodies.

The world makes everything that is bad for us look like fun but there is a price to pay if you go to the extremes..God speaks to us in his word for a reason....and our parents also teach us what is best and our teachers.

In the end we have choices to make....each day. It's a chance we take if we chose the one that is on the edge...when you get older you look back at your life and say...wow! I wish I didn't do this or that.....but then it's way too late....you already did something that harmed yourself or others......

what you do when you are young will stay with you the rest of your life...so think long and hard about your choices...enough from this lady ....have a great weekend and enjoy your friends and family

...hugs, Mama Jazzy Geri

If you are looking for justification to drink wine you got it. The idea of drinking Beer is as early as 13th century AD and was on health ground the water was fowl literally, it was not fit to drink. There was no sewerage system and no water cleaning system as we know it to day. People died from drinking the water. So they drank beer which was easy to make and was boiled. I am reluctant to say its OK because the high level of alchol as it can make you very unwell and out of control. It can allow you to do things which can lead to you picking up infection such as HIV and Chlamydiae, be attacked and loose your wallet or get into fights. I am not sure that other people will tolerate you being like that. I personally drink a glass of wine or Beer when I feel like it mainly with a meal. There is no shame in making a half strength mixture of wine and water for a few months until you get use to the taste. It is done in France to help the children deal with wine. Pick your friends carefully the real ones will accept you as your are and not force you to drink alchol, A glass of something breaks the ice and lubricates the friendships but over indulgence breaks them.

Thousands of people have used the same excuse to be alcoholics, but that doesn't make it a valid excuse.

I think its kind of stupid to not be able to have a glass of wine at age 20. 'Says the Law'. Who the hell made that law?

Yes you should be able to have some wine, Jesus did.

if you drink it the same way he did, amount and frequency, I suppose yes.
but it's probably unwise to listen to someone who was baptised Catholic and went through 13 years of Catholic school education.
If it's anything, he'll forgive you.

Morally yes. The problem is not to drink or not...but to get drunk or not. The Bible says to be drunk on the Lord(or something like that), not on wine.
Legally, who cares. You're old enough to die for your country, have a pop now and then.

Why not, if you do so responsibly. Oh, and don't drink and drive.

Think for yourself, rather than depending upon Jesus or other religious leaders. In some states, it is illegal for you to drink wine. Here in California it is.

References to drinking wine in the biblical sense usually meant drinking fruit extracts, not necessarily wine in the current sense. Back then the water was unsafe to drink, leading to dysentery and other nasty diseases, so most people that could afford it would drink wines (grape juice, apple juice, etc.) Once these wines sat on a shelf for awhile they would ferment, leading to the wines we see today.

That said. If you want to drink alcohol, you will soon be old enough, enjoy yourself and do so responsibly.

Jesus also died for all our sins.

Call me when you do that.

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