How to beat a hangover!?!


How to beat a hangover!?

Is it possible?

Go for a jog mate im being serious, i had a bad hangover early this morning and i really coudnt be ****d going for a jog but if you push yourself and go for a run, you will feel much better trust me.

Lots of water and a good breakfast. Or go to a good offi and get a bottle of Underburg tastes like hell but you will be ready to go in 15-30min again.

Drink apple juice and have a Mcdonalds breakfast always does the trick. best way to beat them is not to drink at all as my Mom always says well I'm 27 and still havent learnt

stay drunk i did it for 17 years

Don't drink!
No, plenty of water to stay hydrated.

For me every time it's got to be a fry up. With extra greese. Try a Little Chef. Face your fears.

To stop yourself gettinh a hangover, drink one half pint of water for every unit of alcohol consumed (alternate 'tween water and alcohol).
If you already have a hangover, eat some stodgy food and drink lots of water.

take your liver out and drain it, works everytime

i try to drink water in between drinks but this works too, drink as much water as you can before you go to sleep. since one of the main causes of a hangover is dehydration when you wake up you wont have those severe symptoms. at least that has been working for me.

it is possible my freind - the trick is water and lots of it - most people drink when they wake up - the trick is to drink it before you go to sleep - bit tricky when your p****d but if you can drink as much water as possible before you go to bed about 2 pints and then ensure you can have a long lie in the morning you should feel ok - works for me. Water water water!!

the only cure is more alcohol.

drink sensibly.....

My cure is before bed 1 liter of water an aspirin when you wake up 1 liter of water a coke or any other beverage high in sugar with caffeine and then a Gatorade followed by a nice greasy bacon and egg breakfast with toast or English muffin,it takes about 1/12 to two hours to kick in but you will feel 100% by lunch.

Gatorade works if you use it a a mixer
and of course lots of water

the only way hair of dog

go back to bed and sleep it off

2 extra strength tylenol before passing out

definitely possible. in the course of drinking and partying, take lots of water along with the sauce.
there are also the options of coffee. some prefer tea.
and after it all, brush your teeth and take a shower - do not soak in the bathtub when you're drunk.

To cut down on miserable headaches, try to favor drinks made from liquors with fewer congeners.
Many people believe that drinking on a full stomach prevents a hangover because the food in your stomach absorbs alcohol. The effect is true, but the cause is malarkey.

Drinking on a full stomach actually does slow the absorption of alcohol, but this is because when food is present in your stomach.

When someone says that the only way to avoid hangovers is to not drink, not only are they being a smart-***, they are wrong and don't understand the concept behind drinking. The whole idea of is to let yourself go a little bit, and as a natural extension of that, your sense and inhibitions usually go out the door to some extent as well. A result of this loss of sense is often drinking too much, which brings us back to where we started.

You can't get something for nothing. If you drink too much, you will always get a hangover, but by altering your drinking habits, you can lessen the intensity of these hangovers while still not having to be particularly actively sensible. If you still manage to get hungover, there is indeed no miracle cure, but with these tips, hopefully, you can help your body do its best to sweat it out.

Do not be fooled, what goes up must come down. You can't avoid hangovers if you drink a lot. ANYONE who says otherwise is just talking tough. I know the hangover you speak of, these mickey mouse remedys wont do anything. I Just takes time. If you want to speed up recovery a little bit then do something physical or change your scenery. Good luck .

My cure is always a Banana Milkshake when I get up, then cold pizza if I've saved any from the night before! I don't know why the milkshake works for me, lots of people have told me not to drink milk with a hangover cos it'll curdle or something, but it really makes me feel better. Can't beat a big Sunday roast when you feel better though!

Gatoraid or Pedialight

Pedialight is what all of the Rock stars use

Eat first before you drink. Stay away from beer & clear liquors. Drink whiskey & do not mix it with other liquors. Stop drinking when you start to see more than one dog. (Unless you have more than one.) Take a couple of Tylenol before crashing.

Well if you take stuff while you're drinking like water or food, it just diminishes the drunk so you're not as hungover because you didn't get that drunk. It is a good idea to eat good before you start drinking though. Right before you pass out, take a couple aspirin and some cranberry or v8 juice or gatorade, if you have any room left in your stomach. Otherwise, usually it just takes time to get rid of a hangover and rest and lots of fluids. Take some advil in the morning with lots of v8 juice, cranberry juice, and gatorade. Pickle juice is a good cleanser too. Exercise does help by speeding up absorbance and digestion and burning off the crap getting your heart pumping and all. A good long walk out doors in the sunshine couldn't hurt. But if you're like I get when I drink, then you'll probably just want to do nothing but stay in bed. Like someone else said, if you're gonna play, you're gonna pay. Time, my friend. But those other things I mentioned speed things up a bit. Good luck

a Banana + a cold glass of milk first thing in the morning.

alka seltzer, pedialyte and a banana. (seperately of course, though it might be more expedient to just mix them together, I'll try it next time and let you know.)

pedialyte, the baby stuff, better then gatorade for rehydrating your body. drink some before you go to bed and then more in the morning the headache you get from a hangover is because you are dehydrated.

Mine is pretty odd. Huevos Rancheros (fried eggs on top of a warmed corn tortilla with a sauce of green chiles, onions and tomatoes), and tomato juice with a squeeze of lemon. My aunt swears by an avocado half with salt, pepper and vinegar. Pick your poison!

Lots Of Water With Ice!! Between Drinks And After!

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