Any non alcoholic people here?!

Question: when i am ever at a club or something people stare at me because i drink water lol. i do not drink alcohol, i dont take any sort of drugs and i do not smoke tobacco like some people do polutting my air and others. what are your thoughts on people who drink alcohol, i personally think they are drinking posion.

Answers: when i am ever at a club or something people stare at me because i drink water lol. i do not drink alcohol, i dont take any sort of drugs and i do not smoke tobacco like some people do polutting my air and others. what are your thoughts on people who drink alcohol, i personally think they are drinking posion.

My personal opinion is that I would like to see alcohol completely banned. Cannot stand the taste, smell or even other people's behaviour's due to too much alcohol.

My best friend was involved in two separate relationships which both involved domestic violence and alcohol abuse. She is now still suffering the mental and emotional trauma caused by these two thugs. The adverts on TV glamorises alcohol.

You could try drinking coke as well as water or even try asking for a coffee. If the bar staff or other customers have a problem with that then the best thing you can do is ignore them as it is really their problem if they cannot accept other customers not drinking.

Drink your water with a lemon wedge and ice with a straw in the glass no one will be able to know its not a drink . Hope this helps.

well, first i cant cause im 11.

but i agree with you, alcohol is a very bad thing as i learned from D.A.R.E plus its good to not fall for peer pressure.

i guess we are drinking poison, but i dont want to live my life avoiding anything bad - for example, by breathing in traffic fumes, we are inhaling poison - but im not going to avoid cities all my life!x

i agree, alcohol doesn't only damage your liver, but affects other parts of your body in negative ways. one of which being the least attractive, weight gain. my father used to be in great shape but he is an alcoholic and after years of suffering from it, his body certainly shows it.

I really don't care what people do,, I quit drinking years ago,, and I like to watch people drink, because they start acting like morons toward the end of the nite.

I don't really drink anymore, and whenever I go to the doctors and they ask how much alcohol I drink a week and I say none they look at me like I am fibbing!

Love me cigs though! Got nothing against booze, just don't really like how it makes me feel.

I am the same as you and agree completely. Wasn't always like this though, and one day realised that drink was not helping me at all in my life, but rather having negative effects. Have been tea-total since and much prefer it. Find the fun I have now is much more genuine and memorable.

So what. You shouldn't got to a club just to drink. And if you're drinking water, just ask for a water bottle or don't spend much time at the bar. I'm a hardcore video gamer so i can't do drink, etc. or i might impair my video game playing

I do drink, but only occasionally (maybe *once* a month) and usually only wine - which is good for your heart. I don't smoke and have never done drugs either. it's a personal choice, but if done in responsibly and in moderation.

i don t drink but i say each to there own

,It's up to each person what is right for them, and as far as drinking i don't but yes i have my cigarettes i smoke outside.

You are entitled to your thoughts. However, most of us here do not think of ourselves as alcoholics and certainly do not appreciate the implication that we are.
Lots of people here enjoy drinking various types of alcoholic beverages and certainly do not think that we are drinking "posion" (sic).
It really is a waste of your time and a source of entertainment to us to read the posts of people like you coming on this board trying to preach and attack us. We drink because we like it and one more bad written post is not going to change that.


I haven't had a drink in almost 3 years. Don't smoke or do drugs either. It kind of happened by accident. I just stopped going out and I hardly ever drank at home so when I stopped going out, I stopped drinking. I was more like a social drinker. But I feel much better and definitely healthier now. When I was going out and drinking, I was a social smoker too so I'd chain smoke cigarettes like it was going out of style.
I guess to some people, alcohol is poison because they cannot control how much they drink or how they act when drinking. And for some people, it's a stepping stone for them to do other (bad) things.
Personally, I like the way I am now and I don't have any desire to go back to drinking. At times I wonder how I would be if I ever started again, but I know I would definitely regret it if I ever did.
Props to you for not going with the flow and being yourself. I guess people like you and me don't feel the need to drink.
Plus it's fun to people watch when they get drunk and start to act silly, isn't it?

Why... are you posting on the beer, wine & spirits board, though?

I'd think you would have better thing to do than to congregate on a board meant for drinkers.

sorry Craig i do drink but after checking your profile i think you may like the occasional tipple as well...each to there long as no one gets hurt..
all the best a non tea total...

"i personally think they are drinking posion."

That is your opinion, you are entitled to it and I will not fault you for it. However, in return I ask that you don't fault me for my opinion.

I enjoy collect, sampling and aging rare beers. I enjoy brewing my own beer and experimenting with different flavors. I don't go out and drink a bottle of whiskey every night and come home and beat my girlfriend. I will however have one or two beers while relaxing at night in front of the TV. I attribute my good health to this. I haven't had a major illness in several years and I've been able to keep my hereditary high blood pressure under control without the use of medication for over a year.

Health Fact on Alcohol:

- Power antibiotic

-Better blood thinner than Aspirin

-Higher in antioxidants than green tea

-Proven cancer fighter

-High in iron and other vital minerals (beer)

-High in vitamins and minerals (beer, wine and some natural whiskeys)

-High in fiber (beer)

-Helps increase mental stimulation when used in moderation. This is not an endorsement of drunk driving for the record.

I will not deny the fact that when abused alcohol can cause problems both with one's health and within their life. But not all people who drink have problems. In fact many studies have shown that the alcoholism rates are much lower than mass media would like you to believe. Drunk driving rate have been steadily dropping since the late 1970's and are at a 50 low currently.


"i completely agree with you alcohol doesnt only just poison your mind and body but it can also make you very agressive, i 100% agree that it should be banned."

They tried that it was called Prohibition. It was one of the leading contributors to The Great Depression. It put hundreds of thousands of workers and brewers/distillers/vintners out of work, contributed to The Dust Bowl, cost the government over $500 million a year for 13 years in taxes, and lead to a national/syndicated crime rate has been on the rise ever since.

Edit 2 -

schumigirl1956... What?

ah i love it! im not an alcoholic but I am irish and its a bit of a culture thing I suppose, great way to blow off steam, plus it helps bring people who are complete hermits out of their friggin shells.
I don't think there is anything wrong with not drinking, but people i know who dont drink tend to be a bit dry!

I do not drink alcohol.

I have never seen the point in going to clubs not to drink alcohol. Because I don't drink alcohol myself and tend to avoid places where the only entertainment is to drink.

On the whole I would say that to most people alcohol is no more harmful than fried food or chocolate. If taken in small doses it has proven benefits to health and is only harmful when taken to excess. Becoming obese is more harmful to health than moderate drinking of alcohol.

I do not think it is right of me to complain about others drinking. I think intolerance of the habits and lifestyles of others is the single greatest cause of prejudice in this world. It is better to let people enjoy their lives and be happy then force them to live how I want them to and be miserable.

i drink accassionally i told really drink i suggest if they stare at you take no notice, if they want to waste there money and get bad hangover let them have them we thats you and 1 and many more that dont drink we have better things to spend our money on.i also dont do drugs and smoke, you are a descent guy that has his head on your shoulders firmly, well done keep it up the good work,

Saw your 4 thumbs down post in the bathe in vodka question...had to respond to a civil manner of course.

I don't mind people like you...except for the fact that you think I am polluting your's my air too and as long as I am a safe distance away you'll be just fine and not breathing my smoke. Here is a link for you to read if you want to argue...civilly with me further on that second hand smoke issue:

I have been bartending since the day I turned 21 and I love alcohol. I always have and always will. I too love tobacco. I need both of these things to live...I need both of these things in my daily life...however I understand that you and others out there think it is poison. That's fine that you have that opinion, but do understand that there those of us out there that love and need these vices.

Here is where I might have a small problem with you. Lots of people answer random question in the Beer, Wine, and Spirits section of YA! If someone asks a legit alcohol question, we don't need non-drinkers to provide an opinion on the matter. It's fine that you don't like alcohol or don't like drinking...but don't try to force that belief on us, and don't answer questions that you shouldn't be answering or don't have the knowledge to be answering.

Now I'm not calling you out personally, because I haven't seen you do this yet, but I really do HATE it when I see "drink water" or "don't drink" as answers on questions that non-drinkers have no business answering.

So here is what I am asking you, please don't be a party-pooper and troll these boards as "the non-drinker". If you answer drinking questions answer them with facts and personal experiences, not BS "don't drink" crap. To be honest though, I'd prefer if you stay out of this section entirely...if you didn't have "edit: athletics are my addiction" in one of your posts, I'd already be pissed at you for not answering questions properly.

Voice your opinion and help share knowledge and facts on subject matter that you know about in YA! which is certainly not here in the B,W, and S. Maybe you should stick to the Wrestling section? BTW, I can't wait to see Floyd Maywhether at Wrestlemania...and Ric Flair sad. Go HHH and Taker too. I hope 'Taker owns Edge, tombstone from hell baby.

I don't drink because I don't like the feeling of losing control, even worse the hangover the next day! Also I watched my best friend from childhood develop into an alcoholic and become a child abuser, I saw her children taken away from her and her baby die from foetal alcohol syndrome (memories that make the vodka taste very nasty!) I also spent a week in hospital last year after being hit by a drunk driver!!

I don't think a ban is really necessary though. We need to educate our children for sensible drinking though. Why are people in Britain so determined to go out and get drunk? In Europe people go out to socialise - they may or may not have a drink during this but getting drunk is not the purpose of the evening!!

Incidentally I still have a good time when I go out and people often say to me "wow you were really drunk last night, how's your head?" when I haven't touched a drop! I am also very popular at the end of the evening as the 'designated driver!!'

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