Is Franzia Sunset Blush a good wine?!
Answers: I have a 3 liter box of it with the Smart Tap...I'd like to know others opinions on it.
I drink wine from a box on occasion and I have to tell ya that Franzia Sunset Blush is not one of my favorites. If you are buying box'owine try the Almaden White Zinfandel it is a lot nicer.
Wine in a box being a good wine? You can't possibly be serious.
Well unlike Boogey I have had good (IMO good) boxed wine. Although I can't say specifically if the Sunset Blush is any good Franzia in my experience has not been a brand often associated with "good" so my guess is that it probably sucks.
Depending on your taste, it can be very good. On most occasions, serve cold with some cheese or burgers. Enjoy!
Your taste is not that of a sommelier or a snob and don't take advice from either
Drink what you like!