I'm 16 and i need a way to get beer. any ideas???!

Question: i don't have any friends over 21

and i live in suburban hell...

and i have a baby face so its not like i can just walk in and try to buy some. lol


Answers: i don't have any friends over 21

and i live in suburban hell...

and i have a baby face so its not like i can just walk in and try to buy some. lol


Don't do the bum thing, sometimes they just take your money...
I would suggest asking your parents...
And to everyone who suddenly feels the urge to preach to this kid about the terrible things that alcohol can do, just lay off. you sound like he is asking where he can buy a cheap gun to shoot someone with. he is just looking for some beer to drink while he and his friends hang out.

dont drink, its stupid.

Drink your apple juice.

friends with beards buy the beers

i never heard of someone with the need to die

hmmm grow up kid
ur not cool if you drink
and all it'll do is bust ur brain cells

which u must not hav much of
if u want to drink


Find a game to get addicted to, like World of Warcraft.

just keep trying over and over until it works, many times they won't even ID you

Simple, and serious answer. Buy the beer yourself - when you are of legal age. There are reasons for minors not being allowed to drink alcohol. It is NOT adults just attempting to control. It is for your health. It is more likely to cause damage to your brain if you consume major amounts of alcohol at a developing age.

You want to be smart and graduate from university, drive a nice car, have a nice home? Wait to drink.

Ask your Dad. Or a homeless guy.

Get a beaker and a bunson burner and steal some yeast from your high school's science department. You can ferment your own urine by pissing into the beaker and puttin the yeast in and then keeping it boiling. Chicks dig the piss water, trust me bro.

do you have parents that drink ?? steal whatever they have, thats what i do . if they dont see if one of your friends has parents who do then you can go over their house and drink . if these dont work i got nothing sorry.

go to germany. it's legal to buy beer when you're 16 there.

Get a fake ID and change your name to mclovin.

yes I have the best way that you could get beer do not tell anyone I said this the best way to go about what you are trying to do is to wait until you are legally of age and your parents approve of it HA HA

I would say wait 5 more years & then go buy it.

Try asking your mom or dad, if they will I guess you are all set. Good Luck, sweetie.

beer???? try your hand at making some wine. make it into a learning experience, let it age, grow up and wait till your 21 so you can enjoy your labor. think moderation and intelligently.

Brew your own.

ummm no you should not be drinking at your age!!! You need to try to stop drinking. your underage

It takes 8,460 bolts to assemble an automobile, and one idiot to scatter it all over the road.

Wait five years, seriously...

pull a McLovin.

Don't drink, its dumb. Besides you're underage, wait til you grow up a little.

Instead of the whole DON'T DRINK OMFG speech...

Either steal some from your parents, or ask around who deals it at your school and get some. Like the sketch druggie people. They'll hook you up.

Go to some one you know that drinks ( i bet at least one of ur friends drink... that is if you have any and it doesnt really seem like it. I mean come on, zelda!) and since you have no friends, go to either a stoner or a non-white person. I didnt even have to look for someone at my school, and I found someone last year (in 7th grade)! So like alot of the people have said so far YOU ARE A RETARD. And if you dont have any brain cells then why do you think you have any to lose.

Since I have a 16 yr old sister... wait til you're 21 and then get it yourself! Seriously, you aren't missing out on much.

If thats not good enough, bums will do it for free if you're pretty.

Please drink with somebody you trust though, someone that will look out for you! :D

Where's the creativity these days? I lived in suburbia when I was a kid and by 4th grade my best gf and I had already sampled everyone of her dad's huge and "locked up" liquor collection. We even had a stockpile of different mouthwashes for afterwards. It's called, after school and before ur parents get home... don't they keep beer or anything in the house?, if not, just bum some off another friend. Buy fifth grade I snuck beer out of the fridge every Friday night to watch with Dallas. And remember, coke and oj go with almost anything :) Stay young, be safe, and have fun!

Well, if you're an idiot, I can only guess your parents are idiots too. I mean, if they aren't doing anything to stop you from drinking at your age, they must not have a single brain cell between the two of them.

If they really aren't idiots, but simply oblivious to your antics.... go ask THEM for the freaking beer. See how they react. If they buy it for you, well.. then... they just proved that they're idiots. If they ground you, then they just proved that YOU'RE the idiot.

Wait til you're 21 and can make real life decisions. At 16 you know nothing about real life. You only think you do, and you're only repeating the crap your communist teachers cram down your throat at school.

Grow up. Get a job. Buy your own damn beer, and leave the rest of the world alone.

If your parents drink, ask if you can have one. If they say no, then don't or steal it later. If they say yes, show them you can drink responsibly, and sooner or later they just might buy you your own. Just maybe. Or you could simply steal it and risk them noticing and getting busted. I'd rather do the first thing I recommended.
There might be someone in your "suburban hell" that is willing to buy some beer for you. If you find someone, scrape together some money, plus a little bit extra as a "tip" so they'll be willing to buy you beer whenever you want it.
Now that I've told you how you can get beer.... Don't drink!
You don't sound like you're mature enough to be drinking alcohol as it is.

Wait five years.

Screw these ppl who tell u drinking is bad. This is what u got to do: get some friends who have a fake id, get a fake id, maybe u have a cousin or sum thing who is 21, go to like a Urban area and try to buy from this little grocery stores....if none of these work...ur screwed..u'll just have to wait till ur in college then the beer will be available all the time and your weekends will start on Tuesdays

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