How much drinking makes you an alcoholic?!

Question: some say i drink too much... what classifies as being too much? and not just quantity, but times a week for example and so on and so on

Answers: some say i drink too much... what classifies as being too much? and not just quantity, but times a week for example and so on and so on

I average a case of beer a day, I consider myself a drunk, Alcoholics go to meetings....

depends on how much you can handle

if you feel like you need to drink everyday, then you are an alocoholic, if you dont feel the NEED, you probably arnt.

It is not the amount. It is the desire for drink that makes you an alcoholic.

It is the effect it has on your brain. Drunks are objectionable people. The drug is plentifully available and if you can't have a drink or too without making yourself into an absolute idiot,
that is too much. Do you like the company of drunks. Of course you do. You all like to get drunker and drunker and you have yourselves for your own company.

You really do looks SO sexy, needless to say. Your problem is bad if you have to ask about it. You can't even own up to it.

You need medical help. See your doctor

According to Alcoholics Anonymous, if you have to have one beer a day i.e. you just cannot function without that one beer, you are an alcoholic. But, it sounds like you are just a heavy drinker. A word of caution, though. Being a heavy drinker will eventually lead to a big belly which is harder to get rid of as you age.

Only you can decide if your an alcoholic or not. Does your drinking cause you problems? Do you wake up and not remember what you did the night before? If people are telling you that you drink too much, then there just might be a problem there. If you even think that you might have a problem with alcohol, then you probably do. People who don't have an alcohol problem don't even ask questions like the one you asked.
Think about that!

It's not how much you drink, but how it effects you. Do you drink more than you planned to? Do you miss work or family events because of drinking? Do you experience personality changes when drinking? Any memory problems? Do others mention your drinking as an issue?
Check out AA web page for more info.

It is not the amount of alcohol you drink.true alcoholics can go for weeks without taking a drink. The problem is after taking the first drink, we are unable to stop. Can you stop drinking after just one. We have a gene in our body that turns alcohol into a form of morphine the most addictive drug on earth. so if after you have that first drink, can you stop. If you are able to more than once you probably aren't an alcoholic. You may have alcoholic tendencies and if you do not stop now you may become one.

Lot of good answers on here.

I think the key is if ppl are telling you that you drink too much, then you probably are.

Most ppl are hesitant to make comments like that unless there is a reason.

Daily drinking, binge drinking, all the same in Alcoholic-dom.

If you have had negative consequences from drinking I would get help before you slowly lose everything. You may be high-functioning now, but believe me, there is a threshold you will cross, and you won't be functioning the same anymore.

From an alcoholic, in recovery for years, and no, I don't go to meetings anymore. However, I have found balance in my life which was my problem. With me, I was way up or way down.

Also, the majority of alcoholics tend to self-medicate over emotional pain of some sort. Therapy helps in that situation. This forum is not big enough to help you, you need more individualized answers, which can come from AA, local out-patient treatment, etc.

I'll take some boring days along the way now, over crisis-mode all the time then, anytime!

if you are thinking that you drink too much, then you have a problem.
if it is affecting other aspects of your life then you have a problem
if you are just having harmless fun that doesn't affect your life, then you should be fine

It's not how much you's how drinking effects your life. If your drinking interferes with your family, friends, job, and the activities you enjoy doing (other than drinking) You have a problem. There are alcoholics that drink everyday and there are alcoholics that drink once a month. If your drinking effects your life you have a problem.

If you have to have 1 drink to get through the day you are an alcoholic. Also if you go out every weekend and get too Drunk could be signs of you becoming an alcoholic.

if u drink all the time or everyday . if u cant control it that makes it even worse


If you are dependent and additive. Can't live without it then you have a problem. Simple as that. If you can stop at any time and have control over your life and yourself then keep doing what you do. But really stop at any time. Like you are in a bar and every person there is drinking and you can chill there without having a drink. Then your cool.

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