How do you get over a hangover?!

Question: Any suggestions?

Answers: Any suggestions?

trust me when i was working in a night club this was a life saver. blend together flour , 2 raw eggs , orange juice , isontonic drinks (lemonade)and a good english fry up. or you could drink more alhcol to even your body out.

Lots of water, exercise. Also when you're drinking and are ready to go to bed, try having a glass of water, it well help immensly.

Get some water into you before and after you wake up. I also feel a lot better after throwing up, it's not nice, but sometimes it has to be done!

Well you could continue drinking which I would not recommend .. XD
Try taking an Advil and get some sleep.

Apparently there is no proven way to get rid of a hangover, but different things seem to work for different people. My husband swears by eating a packet of salt and vinegar chips, and drinking three glasses of water before bed, but I take two paracetamol tablets then sleep - and then a greasy breakfast.

Well aspirin thins the blood. That should get rid of the headache. Then what I usually do is eat food like pizza or pasta. Either or will absorb the remaining alcohol in your system making it a little easier on your system. I have a friend that swears by Pedialyte. Yes the baby's drink. lol. Very good for rehydration.

A hangover or veisalgia describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of drugs, particularly alcoholic beverages.

There are lot of ways some easier ones i prefer are:-

*Simple consumption of foods such as eggs, which contain cysteine, and water may be enough to replenish lost moisture and at least rehydrate the body, making a hangover shorter.

*Some studies have found that Vitamin B6 reduces hangovers. So you can give vit. b6 tablet

*citric fruits and their juice can help. Like orange or lemon juice

Take a couple of ibuprofen, And drink a couple of beer and your hangover will be gone....

my expertise
don't chug water- it will make it worse
get a v-8 drink it slowly like 10 min
then drink one glass of water in like 15 min
then take 2 rolaids
wait like 20 min then drink gatorade as you are thirsy, it is ok to chug it now
if you have a headache- don't use asprin, get some motrin, it is easier on your stomache, take it with the gatorade

A bag of percy pigs in the morning does it for me!

drink more beer. hail hail

Paracetamol. Orange juice.

Water...Water...more water, if that is not working I recommend a big greasy cheeseburger. I prefer a Wendy's double but five guys or In and Out works just as well.

Alcohol is a diuretic. (Dia-re-tic). This basically means that the alcohol encourages the body to lose more water than it takes on which is why you go to the toilet so often when drinking. Another affect of this can be the shrinking of the brain which can lead to the horrendous morning after headaches!

The best way to get over a hangover as mentioned by a few people is water without a doubt. For breakfast some toast & fruit & some sugary foods to replace the lost sugar the alcohol would have broken down from the liver.

Hot shower, lots of water or gatorade, and greasy food! Next time you drink, try eating a greasy dinner to coat your stomach, drink a glass of water or juice for every alcoholic drink, and take 1 aspirin before going to bed.

If you know you're going to be drinking heavily, take 2 tylenol before you start drinking and when you wake up in the morning you wont have that achy feeling or a headache.

Drink water or some sort of beverage to hydrate yourself, take an advil/ibuprofen/etc, rest/sleep, and eat a good meal.

drink more

Drink more till the hangover goes away or is atleast eased then start drinking water

greasy foods my man

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