When at a bar, what are some ways I can look ultra super sweet?!

Question: I need more examples than muscle tees and hitting the sweet punch bag machine.

Answers: I need more examples than muscle tees and hitting the sweet punch bag machine.

Listen up, this is super easy. You're on the right track with the muscle tees, but are you working out your biceps enough? Forget about all the other muscles and focus hard on those and *only* those.

Hit up a salon and get some frosted tips and spiky hair. Buy some collared shirts and pop that shiz, pop it hard. Wear multiple shirts and once and pop them all!

Talk down to women. Make them feel like crap. Insult them and everyone else so they know you are the alpha male.

Drink cheap *** beer and go bat **** crazy over Jagger Bombs. Everytime you do a Jagger Bomb, scream at the top of your lungs "Jaaaaaaaaaggger Booooommb!"

Once you're good and drunk, and only then, go up to the classiest ho you can find and punch her sober boyfriend in the face. You'll miss, he'll lay you out, and you'll spend the night in county cuz it's the weekend and the local station is full and some large intimate fellow named Bruce will show you a good time. In your ***.

I think it's more about what you don't do:
1. Don't wink
2. Don't be pushy

All around girls like it when guys are kind, polite, ask them questions, and are not cheesy.

The funny thing about cool ppl is they dont try to look cool. they just act natural. so anything u do to appear as something that you are not...pretty much makes you uncool......

Buy drinks for people with no expectation. It's classic class.

Wear awsome colored lipstick and a low cut shirt : )

Wear pastel pink and shiney pink lipstick and tight jeans.

I really don't know what you are talking about.

Take a shower before you go, use deodorant and DO NOT WEAR SCENTED PRODUCTS! and DON"T drink alcohol. Be blatant! Say...I'm here, sober, looking for a wonderful girl. Wear chambray and older but not ragged jeans. Smile. Pay attention...you are there for LOVE...not for skag. Good luck!

If your a chick then you don't need to try and if your a dude why do you want to look ultra super sweet?

Picking up women in bars is bad news. Try taking a college class or joining a club of like minded people in your community. The sailing club at my university was an untapped gold mine. Before you go out looking for companionship, spend some quality time alone. Be careful what you wish for. You might someday treasure your alone time.

Peacock the bar. Meaning wear bright disgustingly flashy clothes and exude confidence. You want confidence coming out of your eyeballs. You want to be the alpha male in the bar. You want women to look at you, not the other way around. Also having a friend go in the bar with you works quite well to be your wing. Just basically to make others think that you are the center of attention in your social group, but also to get people to come over to your social group. I don't care what anyone else says or thinks this works and it works well. That is as long as you have the conversation to back it up.

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