Do you have any "technique" of controlling hangover?!

Question: or making it go away...

Answers: or making it go away...

Drinking water while you're imbibing is one way to help prevent the hangover. A hangover comes about because of dehydration. Keep yourself hydrated and you stand a better chance of not being sick the next day.

If you forget to drink water (which happens a lot) and you have a wicked hangover the next day, don't drink plain water. That usually comes back up real fast, and brings up anything else you've consumed. Drink Pedialyte or Gatorade instead. They help rehydrate you and replenish some of your electrolytes.

Also, as strange as many find this to be, warm gelatin is a help. It coats your stomach so you can take an aspirin or ibuprophen. After a while, try eating something like dry toast or some crackers. If that stays down, you should be able to handle anything else, food wise.

Only time will "make it all go away", but at least you can do something to help make it not so bad.

Unfortunately not drinking a lot is the only prevention. I always tried to sleep off a hangover but sometimes a greasy breakfast would do the trick. And lots of water!

Yes - I have found I can drink a whole bottle of champagne without throwing up the next day if I throw it all up before I go to bed.
Best control is not to drink as much.
Figure out how much is too much for you and stay under that amount - cause being hungover is no fun.
Honestly I can't drink more than 1 and a half drinks of anything anymore without getting sick so I just don't drink more than that and it works every time.
Also apparently if you do not mix sugar ie drink scotch and water you wont be as hungover.

Don't mix beer or wine with liquor. Don't mix your liquors when drinking. Pick one drink and stick with it. Personally, I also find that clear liquors give me less of a hangover than brown, but that's just my experience.

Avoid sweet drinks and mixed shooters. If you must do shots, do straight liquor. The sugar makes the hangover worse. Anything mixed w/ OJ will kill you in the morning. Also, all those schnapps are no good either.

Drink a LOT of water when you get home before passing out. 2-3 full glasses. Down a Motrin while you're at it (NOT Tylenol, unless you want to murder your liver.)

Smoke pot when you wake up... ;) (hey, it works for cancer patients...)

The night before, you can help prevent hangovers by sticking to lighter color liquors versus darker colored liquors.

In terms of making it go away, I've heard from many people that drinking quarts and quarts of water is a good way the day you have the hangover. But, for me, usually I just get a really bad headache. The rare times that I did get hangovers, they would be so bad that I didn't want to consume anything, let alone water. It's hard to get anything down when you're REALLY hungover, even greasy foods. Greasy foods, I think just work for some people. They've never worked for me.

To prevent it, drink plenty of water before and some between drinks. Hangover is your body reacting to dehydration. Dying of thirst is said to feel like a hangover, only you really ARE dying from it. If you keep yourself hydrated as you drink, your hangover will not be as bad the next day. And no, doing this does NOT keep you from getting drunk.

The best technique I've ever come across for tending to a hangover has been Midol (that goes for guys, too...I'm serious). I'm not entirely sure why, but it works.

Drink LOTS of water. Eat healthy food, lots of fruits and vegetables, don't eat any starchy salty foods, they take more moisture out of your body. Drinking dehydrates you which causes the head ache and feeling horrible. So just try to stay moving drink water, eat well and take some Excedrin (it work's the best)

Either that, or drink another beer in the morning! haha

Honestly? Puke before you go to bed to rid your body of the toxins, then take 4 advil, drink a liter of water and you should be fine....or.....for every drink, drink two large glasses of water.

its fine to mix drinks, people who mix drinks tend not to realize how much they drink nor can they control the portion of alcohol.

When drinking those hangover pills work great because you have to drink so many glasses of water. But a bloody Mary in the morning and some ibu and pepto and Alkaseltzer before bed! that's what works for me, not the trick is not getting do f*** Up that you can remember to do all of them. ts

Mixing alcohol really doesn't matter. That's just a bunch of crap. It's an urban myth. You can drink wine, beer, tequila, dark rum, light rum... hell, you can pour it all in the same glass if you want (it won't taste very good, but, I digress...).

The bottom line is, if you want to drink a lot of booze but you don't want to be severely hungover, drink a lot of water. I never get a hangover when I force myself to drink a glass or two of water before I go to sleep.

smoke a fat blunt the next morning. It will take away the headache and the barfing. It will take away the shakyness that you might have.

eat a massive fatty take away on the night, and then stay in bed all day with fizzy drinks and junk food. does it for me :)

Yes, when you first wake up and you have a head ache, go straight to the toilet then drink a pint of water and go back to sleep then when you wake up again you'll be fine!

You can buy this supplement called milkthistle, its shithot, i swear it will reduce your hangover by like 70%, take 2 before you go out and 2 when you get in with a pint of water.

If possible stock ur cupboards with some good junk food for the next day, sugary drinks help too as your blood sugars are low after a night on the sauce!

water and gatorade - and lots of it!

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