Is alcohol and weed really that bad?!

Question: somebody with experience please answer this question. i don't want an answer you've read in a book, i want somebody who's been there and done that. i'm a teenager, and of course i'm going to "experiment". but there are so many different views of weed and alcohol. which ones worse, and what are the side effects? and are they really as bad as they say?

Answers: somebody with experience please answer this question. i don't want an answer you've read in a book, i want somebody who's been there and done that. i'm a teenager, and of course i'm going to "experiment". but there are so many different views of weed and alcohol. which ones worse, and what are the side effects? and are they really as bad as they say?

As with anything in life..including WATER... it is all about "moderation". (if you drink too much water, you can die. People have died from drinking too much water, most recently that I have heard was some chick that drank too much water for a morning radio talk show contest.. she felt sick, went home to nap and never woke up)

Weed is fine if you don't do it all the time and do it before you have to do some responsible thing like work or school or driving, same rules for booze. Both have had studies that show benefits (eg. a glass or two a day of wine or beer actually cuts down on heart disease).

American government and other groups that want to control out of free that you won't be responsible enough to understand when NOT to do it will tell you it is evil and will be a "gateway" dug to something worse.. sadly there has also been studies that showed people who drink orange juice are just as likely to start snorting cocaine as people who smoke weed.

ETA: don't mix both together unless you are experienced. If you drink booze, drink water too. Booze can make some aggressive and do stupid things; weed just makes everyone giggle, mellow and want to eat food.

It depends on who you ask. A lot of people will lie to get you to do what they wanna do..And what I'm gunna say, I'm gunna get a lot of thumbs downs for. But you know what, Here is my opinion. Do what you wanna do. You only live once, and you will only know if you try. Sometimes you gotta get hurt, sick and get your *** kicked to learn whats good for you. And I'm gunna learn all on my own. I hate having rules made to "protect me." We don't need people holding us back from anything. (and I mean this for anything)


i've dont them both, seperate and together, i love it lol when there together there worse though haha

alcohol and weed in teenager years are really bad and u will regret it, once u do it u sometimes feel good and wants to do it again but it's not really worth it, it can make ur life miserable

yeah they are.

just dont do them, they are all bad for you no matter what anyone says.

if you drink alcohol & weed at the same time man your FUCK3D

weed get you high
alcohol gets you tipsy

Don't get high and then completely wasted at the same time, its a bad combo, well I guess it depends on your definition... Personally I tried that once and it was too messed up for me, what I LOVE is to get SUPER baked and then drink just enough to get buzzed. Make sure you're comfortable with weed before you try mixing in alcohol, it makes it more intense and not everyone can handle weed, so if your one of those people and you mix alcohol, you're in for one LONG night.


Marijuana is not a gateway drug anyone who says that is just a stupid parrot who knows how to repeat anything they hear on TV. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs and smoking weed does more damage than smoking cigarettes but if it was legal there would be other safer ways to enjoy it. A bong makes it a lot less damaging for your lungs. And a vaporizer is completely harmless, just don't smoke yourself stupid :)

weed-makes teeth fall out,makes u stupid, and waste ur life
Alcohol-ruins ur liver,no control over urself
dont do either it has ruined my life


yes. it also depends on your family history. alcoholism can be passed down. and it is not a fun disease, i speak from experience. it takes over your whole life and eats you alive. I watched my brother and my son go from weed to harder things like cocaine and they are both in prison. You have to decide. Live and learn or take the advice of someone who's been there. Don't start either,please.

Both can have negative effects. I'd say that the tar build up in your lungs caused by smoking is about the worst you can do. Unless of course you are smoking while drinking which can stop the need/want to vomit and result in alcohol poisoning.

Everyone knows the dangers of Alcohol, it isn't bad if you don't take in too much, and you can remain responsible wwhile under the influence.

alcohol is good for times when you want to be social with everyone, but everyone can smell it..

weed is GREAT, feel good, you can return back to normal in a month and have everything out of your system, no addiction what so ever..

By themselves, no, they're not all bad. Alcohol, actually, is proven worse for you and obviously physiologically addictive as well as mentally addictive, whereas pot is just mentally addictive.

The one concern I have for you is this: Do not combine the two. If you've had a couple drinks and you smoke a joint, whatever. But don't get tanked from a keg or something and then get stoned afterwards or beforehand. Besides what people will tell you (even though pot makes you sleepy towards the end of the high), yes, pot is a stimulant ... and alcohol is a depressant. Combine the two and there's been instances of death. I've never known anyone who died because of mixing the two, but when you get fugged up on one, okay. When you get fugged up on both, you are seriously fugged up and your decision making skills and inhibitions are seriously not even present.

So, in conclusion, just be careful and try not to mix the two.

I think you are too young to do either, but I can tell you that I have done both (and various other things) and alcohol is worse. I never blacked out and slept with random guys when I was stoned. You can smoke all the pot you want and you can only get so high before you smoke yourself straight. With alcohol it just gets worse and worse until you make an a** of yourself and pass out. But I hope you do neither cause its stupid and a waste of money.

Man created alcohol and God created pot.
Lots of people have died from alcohol and no one has ever died of THC poisioning.

OK, first-I do have extensive experience with both and want to say that if I could go back, I never would have started either. Health wise, I do think that smoke is less harmful than alcohol-and I have worked in health care for over 20 years. However, potheads universally lack ambition and rarely seem to achieve true happiness. If you can keep your drinking moderate I think it has less effect on your life. However, you never know until you start drinking how it will affect you and alcoholism is a sad disease. It has affected people close to me, and I have had problems related to drinking. Though I now feel I have control over it, it's taken a long time-I'm almost 44-and I would rather I had never started.
You, of course, will make your own decisions, but this is my answer to your question.

Well I have a 47 year old brother that has been smoking weed since he was 12 and drinking pretty well since he was about 16. The dude has never moved away from my mom's house. Not even for a day. He has never paid a cent in rent, mortgage, taxes, utilitiy bills, car payments nothing. He has never grown up and has been a total waste on society. Weed makes you lazy and retarded basically. It might be cool once or twice but take a look at how really stupid the people are that smoke it. Look at them in the long run. You won't be able to picture any of the pot heads doing anything successful with their lives. So if you want to lazy and never make anything of yourself and live at home forever smoke a bunch of weed. I know my brother and all his stoner buddies from the 70's are still all vegging together not doing anything for themselves. Wow they sell weed for a living and have enough money to live on Ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly and mac and cheese. Do you really want to be like that? Study hard in school, go to a good college, get a great job and kick *** at life. I would way rather have cool things and live on my own then get high and chill with my mom for decades on end. Yes they are both bad so find something else to do that you can have fun with besides drugs and alcohol. Oh and I have a 50 year old brother that did just as well because he is a pot head too the only difference is he moved out first. Nothing better than a 50 year old loser with nothing to show for your life except some good bud along the way.

Altering your mind to where you have no control will have consequences. If you think your willing and able to handle the outcome then its up to. I would suggest waiting til your older only because I seen a friend of mine get accidently shot and killed when I was a teen. The guy who shot him was high on meth and been drinking and got a sentence of 15 yrs. The guy who shot him was only 18. They were both best friends it was an accident. My friend got pregnant when she was 16 from a night with 2 guys didn't know the who the dad was until later. She had been smoking pot. I was lucky and stopped that life style and grew up at 17. Graduated and moved on. Some weren't so lucky. My Uncle is serving time for DUI's just from drinking. He is serving 3 yrs right now. So the choice is all up to you.

Alchohol isn't as bad as weed. It can make you have a headache afterwards, throw up, or have diarreha, though. It's not that bad, in my long as you don't drink TOO much. Getting a little tipsy is fine. Drinking until you pass out is no fun.

As far as weed, don't know. Never tried it. I do know it's addicting, be careful. I have a friend who said it used to make him feel scared. It really depends on the person, might react differently than my friend did.

Whatever you do, do it in moderation. As long as you stick with that, you should be okay....

Alcohol is more damaging, people actually die from alcohol poisoning & it can damage your liver. noone dies from weed, period. but for some reason, saying you drink rather than smoke pot sounds less "bad", and it's legal as opposed to bud. i guess people just percieve a pot smoker as some one who's lazy and is going nowhere in life, and some one who drinks occasionaly is seen as a person who likes to have fun. i've done both. and i can say weed is safer, but it does effect you. i smoked for a year straight, and though i thought i was having the time of my life and it didn't effect me and i would never need to quit (although i did have good times), i was wrong. when I quit i lost a few lbs, got more fit/started working out more, my grades went up, my energy increased, i got stuff accomplished (got a car & a job, had more money, even got a great b/f which was a change from all the shady guys i met during that year) and i didn't have to rely on weed at all to have fun, when i used to. i didn't even want it anymore. it really shocked me how so many aspects of my life turned around for the better when i quit weed. one day i smoked again and I felt lazy the entire day; that's when i knew i was over it. i'm also glad i didn't use weed as a "gateway drug" and gone on to worse things. that happens to some people. but i kind of moved on from all of that completely. grew up? now i just drink on the weekends sometimes and i think i'm a much better person. (but i might add- i've had my bad alcohol moments, completely blacking out and throwing up everywhere. not one of my proudest moments. be smart about drinking in moderation!!) i have nothing against people who choose to spend their time and $ on bud, but looking back on it i wasted a year doing..not much. and those few temporary good feelings weren't worth slowing my life down

Bottom line- yes they are both bad for you. but it'll be hard to find someone who hasn't done anything. life would be boring with out having fun and breaking the rules a little when your young, and learning from your mistakes. you can decide for yourself

nahh they aintt bad at all.

Alcohol, to excess, will make you barf your guts out.

Pot, as the worst, will give you a severe case of the munchies.

Under no circumstances try to drive while addled by either

Well I do both. I've cut down a ton on weed because it increases your chance of mental illness by ALOT.

Alcohol can be very bad if you're irresponsible, or have an addictive personality. Watch Intervention on A&E and you'll see.

I'll have a drink or two now, because I'm just not into getting drunk and doing and saying stuff I regret. Not worth it. For side effects, drinking will mess up your liver and age you way faster inside and out.

Either way, you're really better off without em. If you can, just quit and spend your money on better things.

I'll start with alcohol. It's not that bad as long as your smart. Some colleges students go out ever night just to get smashed. Completely smashed then they get drinking tickets and whatnot and complain the next day. My Grandfather drinks every day its not to get drunk or because he is depressed. He enjoys drinking I was raised by my grandfather and i've never seen him drunk. My grandfather is a smart man he has worked every day of his life and retired twice he also worked me just as hard growing up.

Alcohol is bad in the wrongs hands and for the people who are depressed / angry all the time. I've seen people have a lot of trouble with alcohol and I hear about even more. One of my good friends is a really angry drunk and one day I think he will hurt someone.

Now to Weed. I've tried it only a couple times it is not my thing but I have learned a lot about the subject. My last 2 college roommates are heavy into smoking weed. They are great people they do great in school. They just enjoy weed. But have smoked since early highschool. They both had their reasons to start. TV really hates on weed. I'm not stupid to let it influence my decision on the subject. I read info myself I don't let TV change my mind. I don't have anything against weed I know there are stuff that it can do to you but if you want to put your body through that its up to you. It's just not my thing. I'll stick to drinking since its legal if your over 21.

Hope I helped :) btw I'm having a nice little drink as we speak.

Also Drink in Moderation!!! Don't be STUPID!

They are. And one day when you wake up and realize your life is a mess and you need to get a serious job or education, you'll probably have to wean yourself off them (or at least severly cut it down) :)

Alcohol is worst than weed. Alcohol gets you buzz, lose cordination, blurred vision, and if you can't control yourself when intoxicated you go wild, excited, slurred speech, stagger, numb, you get drunk. Some people do stupid things they regret later. You'll just get a hangover the next day maybe with a headache, or you still feel drunk, still sleepy, thirsty, sweaty, tired, lazy, etc. Weed. You get stone, mellow, things seem more interesting, you know what your doing, have thoughts that and imagine things easy, things of sounds like music sound a little weird, or more enhanced, or some people tripp out. Things you see seem different, weird, smaller or bigger, funnier. You will get dry month, your eyes become blood shot red and low. Might get a little lazy and just want to kick back to TV or Music. And you can't od on weed. You can only get so stone, but alcohol if you od you can die or blackout or pass out. Don't remember nothing the next day. If you drink. Drink beer only don't start with whiskey or don't drink with whiskey. It's not all that bad. It's ok to experiment. I did. once I got use to it I use to smoke weed first then drink beer and enjoy the feeling. take it easy.

Alcohol= Bad, Weed=Good

It all comes down to maturity when it comes to weed and I've seen alcohol cause adults to make stupid choices.

They can be very bad. If you are an addictive personality, or a genetic predisposition to alcoholism you may end up dead very fast from alcohol.

A lo of it depends on the frends you have, the people you drink or smoke with. Idiots will get you in trouble, maybe get you killed, or busted. So be careful more about WHO you drink and smoke with than worring about the drugs. (p.s weed is a plant, and herb, not strictly a drug)

Alcohol will affect your brain quickly at a young age. Destroy and alter how you develope.
Weed will also change your brain.

Moderation in all things, alright.

Alcohol is really worse than pot. Check the statistics of deaths. Nobody dies from smoking pot. Unless they are with idiots that are drunk and mindless.

Don't start drinking. It gets bad fast, and hangovers really suck. You'll find out I'm sure.

If you start smoking don't over do it. It will hurt your lungs, but they will heal up fine. It will alter the way you see things. It may make your life look stupid. That's the real danger, thinking for yourself.

I better stop now. Neither was as bad as I was lead to believe. But alcohol is worse than many say.

Stay in touch with yourself. Check on your mind.

Makes you stupid and forget everything. What was the question? Can't remember.

I have been there and done that. I have not done drugs in many years. I brew very small half-gallon batches of beer and wine. I drink a little bit every few months when the batch is ready. I rarely buy alcohol, so the 4-6 week brewing time is how I regulate myself and do not suffer from alcoholism. It is not readily available and I have to wait. I just ignore the possibility of getting alcohol any other way. A little discipline goes a long way in life. Is it really that bad? Let's pretend that alcohol and drugs have no ill health effects. They are still a waste of time. Do you really want to burn all of your free time getting nothing accomplished? It may not seem like it now, but we don't live forever. Make every day count. Learn and experience new things. Live a life that you will be proud of as an old man.

i hope you realize that doing either of those is against the law and you could be sent to juvie or jail if you get caught. So, yeah I guess they ARE that bad.

DUH! both are really bad so don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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