Have you driven drunk?!

Question: Have you ever driven drunk or high?

Honest answers....I know most people have.
If so, what were the circumstances?

Answers: Have you ever driven drunk or high?

Honest answers....I know most people have.
If so, what were the circumstances?

yes, I was 18 and I tried to sleep it off at my friend's house but when I woke up I was still drunk. I had my mom's car and she had to work the next day so I had to drive home

I am drunk while texting this message in.

I did once when I was in college. I was way plastered, and fortunately my destination was close by and nothing bad happened. It was pretty stupid of me.

when i was young i did it every weekend, why who knows, who cares now I got lucky then i would never do it now no one should.

Yeah....I was young and stupid and did it all the time. The cops really didn't take it all that serious back then either.

Only buzzed, but it was a bad situation where I had to get out of there or some $*** was going to go down.

yeah dude, i smoke blunts while im driving, its no biggie, you can drive alot better high then you can drunk, i never really drive drunk cuz you deff can get caught for D.U.I and alcohols efffects are much more intense then weed......i actually drive slower wheen im high lol

from stars to regular people i would say that over 90% have driven drunk.. the reason most older adults dont drink and drive is because they have learned how costly dui's are. things are a lot tighter laws now and stiffer fines. classes meetings, my advise dont do it.

When I was young & stupid. God help us all.

the reason behind it is that i dont drink at all...

yeah when I was young...never after 4 beers though...and I spaced them out...not no more either....

I have yes, thankfully it was only a few blocks away from home. I was extremely lucky I did no harm to anyone or myself. I have never been caught either. I would never do that again. Young people do crazy things sometimes.

Yes, when my friends and I were younger and too full of ourselves to think beyond the moment. I am so thankful that nothing ever happened to us or others.

I DO EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drunk, yes, not high. And I paid the price. That was 6 years ago and I'll never do it again. Not even after one sip.

Drunk driving is just a shame...




unfortunately, yes to both. i grew up around it, though - we lived way out in the country in a small town and i've seen the adults in my family drink and drive my entire life. i didn't really think it was a big deal until i got into an accident when i was 17 after drinking heavily (luckily, it was just me and a rather small tree), and when i was 18 and got followed by a cop when i was high (he never pulled me over though). sometimes, it takes some people longer to learn these lessons in life. i was one of those people, and i'm just very, very lucky that i didn't do something terrible to ruin someone else's life and my own.

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