How much do you drink?!


How much do you drink?

Doctors say binge drinking is bad for you. The main problem is that if you have a drink with a mate on a Saturday night you are labelled a binge drinker.
I used to play darts six nights a week and could'nt throw a straight dart untill I'd had four or five pints, does that make me an alcohollic?

Additional Details

2 months ago
Don't drink now, can't afford it, got married

2 months ago
Hey Bling, where did you see me play?

2 months ago
Don't drink now, can't afford it, got married

2 months ago
Hey Bling, where did you see me play?

In answer to your first question I don't drink alcohol at all - it's not a religious constraint but a conscientious decision I've made for the sake of my health. I don't have any problem with others drinking though, especially in a social situation.

And no, I don't think that your drinking while playing darts (even with the amount you drank) makes you an alcoholic.

If drink is costing you more than just money then you have a problem

0% intake. Clean and sober since 05/16/06

I drink like a fish unless i'm driving or have to drive early the next day, then I don't touch it.
Why are people so quick to label others
I like drinking,
I like to chill out with a large bottle of wine,
I'm 28 years old and not hurting anyone else
and so long as you don't then have fun

I don't drink. If you are not already an alcoholic, you're on your way to becoming one.

You shouldn't drink to improve things like, dart throwing. But most people know if they are alchollics, they just don't want to admit it to themselves.

I don't drink much at all. I have the occasional dacory, or cup of wine, but I've never been drunk or anything like that.

No.... *needing* a drink for any reason makes you an alcoholic.

Wanting or liking a drink, does not.

If you can play darts without a drink, even though you play rubbish, then you're not an alcoholic my friend.

I'm a student, so it goes without saying - I drink a fair amount! But I can also go out and not drink, and have a great time. I definitely don't need to drink, even though I like to!

if that makes you an adict them im buggered i drink every night and i drink a large amount nearly a full bottle of either baccardi or vodka

That makes you a functional alcoholic. No, that just means you like to have a couple of drinks and loosen up.

No it makes you a **** darts player ..

i need to drink more lol

ra63 sounds like she's got it right.

not (hic) that (hic) mucccccccchhhhhhhhhh (hic)

never did never will.

Unless it interferes with your life, you are not an alcoholic.

And to answer your question, I drink WAY too much. Friday thru sunday I can suck down two 30 packs of beer myself (that's about 45 pints). I am immune to hangovers, so I don't have that "morning after" crap.
Sometimes I wish I DID.

Well that depends, do your habits affect your family, friends, career, activities, etc...?

I used to drink quite alot for all the usual sob story reasons, haven't done myself any favours by doing so...ended up with fatty infiltration of the liver which could lead to cirrhosis, so these days it the occasional bottle of wine on a girlie get together....besides I'm happy these days and don't need to get wasted anymore.

I don't drink alcohol any more. No one can tell you if you are an alcoholic or not. YOU must come to that conclusion on your own.

are you asking? as much as you can affort!!!!!!!!!! hic!!!!!!

alcohol in moderation is good for your health.

It's true that it's very easy to drink what the 'experts' say is the level of a binge drinker. But that means that millions in Brits are out binge drinking on any given night.

The fact is that by having more than 3 drinks on any night you are probably doing your body harm, probably insignificant indetectable harm, but its not good for you all the same. Certainly when you get up around the 15-20 drinks mark (which I hold up my hand and say is my equivalent to a 'regular' night out on the lash) then you really are not being nice to your body.

But should we be worried about drink, about skin cancer, about fat, about sugar, about sweetners, about cholesterol, about electric radiation, about air pollution, about flouride in the water supply, about mobile phone use,...

The answer is NO, beyond a healthy dose of caution, we can't be in fear of hurting ourselves. I dont want to die looking like I've never lived!

I drink on nearly a nightly basis, and on the nights I am not bartending that means getting I am getting DRUNK. I am in college and I am a bartender so my life revolves around the sale and consumption of alcohol. You are only an alcoholic if alcohol negatively affects your dialy life; including your job and your social relationships. So no, you are not an alcholic, although many people on Yahoo Answers will try and tell you that you are... you are certaintly not.

I would say that drinking six out of 7 nights a week is not very healthy at all. I drink every other saturday and an occasional beer on a hot day but getting drunk or buzzed as much as you did is not good at all!

I used to drink about 8 pints of strongbow a night, did that for about 3 years. Then i met my fiancee and only drank at weekends, probably about 18 pints of lager. I gave up the drink at christmas and have only had a glass of white wine with a sunday lunch once since then. It was really hard at first but after the first month i was fine. I no longer have the week long hangovers, can drive everywhere and save a fortune in beer money/taxis. I highly recommend it. You're only an alcoholic if you cant live without beer. Nothing wrong with enjoying a few pints but if you need it to perform certain tasks its a problem. If you think really about it, its not natural if you think you really need it. Thats why i quit. I needed it to be the person i wanted to be. Now i`m that person without booze - not easy.

There are a lot of definitions of an alcoholic, and clinically you probably are. However, you can be what is called a functional alcoholic where you drink a lot but still go to work, provide for your family, not in jail for DUI's, etc. Basically alcoholism in itself isn't generally a problem (except for your liver). It's when drinking takes priority over responsibilities that you have a problem, and where the common term alcoholic comes from.

Only on the weekends.

About a single JD and coke daily. (This is one unit)

I drink every weekend about 12 pack

I only drink about 5 nights a week. I say drink till ya can't see out one eye then throw them darts The doctors are just jealous cuz they be light weights

I had my first drink a month ago. Since then I have drank every Saturday night because I keep getting invited to parties. I don't drink a lot at once, just enough to make me more socialable. So, maybe 2 or 3 shots of something by the end of the night.

Next week I'm going to a birthday party (there will be alchohol) and that will probably be my last night drinking for a while.

My other half and I drink a bottle of wine each a week. He has a glass of red a day with his dinner, I drink mine all at once on a Friday night (lol). I think I am a much happier person than him, well, maybe not on a Saturday morning.

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