I Don't like it .....Do you like it ?!

Question: I don't like beer taste ?

Answers: I don't like beer taste ?

It depends on the beer; some are downright nasty and others can actually be pretty good. Especially after you have your first one down, they start tasting much better in my opinion.

I'm sorry. As I once saw on a T-shirt, 'Beer is proof that the gods love us and want us to be happy.'

me either i rather have nice drinks like , sex on the beach , blue curacao,

i don't like Guinness type beers that taste i can't stand..but light beers like rolling rock or Heineken i do like

No, I don't like it. I've tried all kinds, and have tried to like it, but I simply don't

No biggie, though. There are plenty of other things to drink. Whether it's wine, hard liquor or simply water and soda, it doesn't matter.

Besides.... if *we* don't drink beer, that leaves more for the others who enjoy it.


No, it is gross, and I don't care what anyone says, you don't get used to it, and who would want to "get used to it"
Why drink it if you don't like it.
I prefer stuff with good flavor, like wines, and mixed drinks.

I don't rave over the taste of pilsners or lagers, but I love ales, porters and stouts. Have you tried anything other than a pilsner?

Once you get the beer taste in your mouth, all of this will stop.

Go out, have a girly girl beer. Umm, try a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat or something like that. It's a girly girl beer, but at least it's a beer. And plus, ask your bartender what tastes good, and tell them that you don't usually like the taste of beer.

*shrug* But who knows? You might never gain a taste for it. Some people never do.

Well when I first tried it when I was in High School I didn't like it. But when I drank 4 or 5 of em they started going down easy. I got really drunk one time (like 11 beers) and I was hung over badly. Since then I don't drink em. I'll have a Mikes Hard Lemonade instead but my true calling is Southern Comfort. Straight up room temperature. Every once in a while I'll have Jim Beam straight up.

part of a college education is to appreciate the taste of beer. the cheaper the beer the better the education! by the time you get your degree. beer is your drink of choice.

i drink weed fumes

they are delish

Not really, but I have Bud Select doesn't leave that after taste that most beers have.

I don't like the taste of beer since it has an acid taste. Knowing that you are just wasting yourself every time you drink is a good reason to just not do it.

not really but after you get first one down its not to bad

try a french beer like kronenbourg 1664. cold quite fizzy and gives you pleasant tasting little belches all night long

I hate it too.

People say "it's an acquired taste" which to me, can be tranlsated as "everyone hates it, but makes themselves like it because they want to be cool" or whatever.

I've always hated it. It's got this disgusting acidic taste, like fermented brussel sprouts or something.

no I don't, I'm not much of a drinker anyway.

yumm yummmmm yummmmmy

I like it a lot!

i don't drink acohol and it is not good to drink acohol it is not good for the body.soo,it's good you don't like the taste

i could have beer for breakfast,lunch and dinner

hell ya wooo
and im only 14

its an aquired taste. I remember the day i decided i liked beer. Some people may not like it because they have been drinking the crappy cheap stuff.

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