Only one bottle of wine consumed.....?!

Question: why the hell am i so burning up and feel dreadful!!!! HELP, im angry, i can usually drink far more than that before i suffer... whats goin on? haa

Answers: why the hell am i so burning up and feel dreadful!!!! HELP, im angry, i can usually drink far more than that before i suffer... whats goin on? haa

Sometimes I can consume copious amounts of wine and be fine, there has been a few occasions where I have simply had half a bottle and had the most horrendous hangover all bloody day, that's not answering your question, so i would like to know too!

Maybe it was a dodgy bottle. Sometimes the air gets to the wine and it turns a little vinegary. Also occasionally the manufacturer sends out a bad crate were something has gone wrong in the fermentation but it wasn't caught. They can even taste normal, although usually they are sweeter than the norm as they have more unfermented sugars.

Cheap red wine can give very bad reactions or maybe you are just getting older?
I used to be able to drink far more than I can now, but hey, it's cheaper!
Always look on the bright side of life!

The dreaded demon'drink' is beginning to take over!!

I have no idea. I drank a little bit short of an entire bottle the other day in less than two hours. I was absolutely smashed and had a terrible headache for the longest time, which I found abnormal.
I'd sure like to know what's going on with you and what was going on with me a couple days ago.

let an italian answer you... it was bad wine... simply as this---
if the wine is good, no way you have such a hungover... anyway... never never mix red and white wine during dinner

Your a Alcoholic! Was St. Christopher an Alcoholic? and All Irish? I'll add more when I burn allot of people that are in Denial that their just Social drinkers (They sure do Socialize allot), Yes? Or the Rarely Drinker (That can never find a bottle with Alcohol in it)! Or the Moderate drinker that drinks it (as long as someone keeps filling the Glass Moderately)! Or the etc. Drinker that can't be Labeled as an Alcoholic, because they went to their Doctor and got set-up to have their (IV Filled with pure Mash) Hooked up while their Passed out/Backed out on any surface trying to hold on to the ground so they won't fall down! On and on! Yes? Or the Fallen down drunk that can't get up because their holding on to the grass to tight. The hiding drunk, that gets upset because they can't find their bottle, so they get a Doctors excuse that states their suffering from Amnesia, but they happen to finally find that bottle at the locale bar. Or the Very Often Drinking person, and takes off work very often as well. The sometimes drinker sometimes remembers if he drank an hour ago, so they'll sometimes take a fit and not eat til they consume a gallon of wine. Oh Yeah we can't forget about the Desperately drinking Alcoholic, They Desperately try to sniff the bottle until they get a refill. Finally, The not at all drinker, They don't drink at all, They use an IV!

Oh I feel for you. Maybe it was cheap plonk. Maybe you mixed the drinks. Maybe you did not eat enough. Whatever it is,will just have to work it's way out of you. Have plenty of water to drink or coke.
Chicken noodle soup helps with the nausea. Maybe your body is trying to tell you to slow down.
Hope you feel better soon and I wish I could take the pain away.

Face it! you are just getting old babe!

Pre-hydrate before attempting hard drinking,
(one bottle of wine,, hmmm, count the corks in the morning)
Make sure you eat, nothing too spicy.
Drink slowly,,if poss,
Don't drink alone, if it runs out who's gona have to go to the shops for the next bottle.
Don't dance around, smashing lamps and getting all,
"its raining men" or "barbie girl" watch for coffee tables, they think they are dogs and go for the ankles, get snacks out of cubboard before starting to drink, you would be surprised at the explosive effect your super human strength will have on a single pack of chips after a slurp of loopy juice.
Make sure you know where,
a, the toilet is and what it is for.
b, where your gona sleep.
c. if your gona venture outside, your way back, and where u
....are going, ? Taxi driver may also require this info.
d your ex loves telephone number, your drunk you need it ....
e. how to take off your own clothes, you may be lucky with d,
....and it can help with a.
f. carry a camera and take a photo every 30 secs to assist u the morning, do not let police aquire this item.
i, I have drunk something where is H, h I love u, don't leave
j. keep away from strangers or friends like Vala or Yankee
...girl, if pushed take strangers before the other 2.
k. remember your shoes are for walking in, not carrying.
l. sex with a stranger when drunk is not a good idea,
... unless they have the next bottle of wine.
m. money helps your experience or taxi driver will help with L
n. no, means no, when your minesweeping drinks in the bar.
o. pooltables are the mans domain, now is not the time for
... your party trick, even is there is a camcorder there.
p. please somebody take me home.
q. a pub crawl on your own is not a good idea.
r. resisting arrest will actually make things worse.
s. Sex we have covered and should be done,, covered.
t. take care knocking of policemans helmets they don't find it funny as you.
u. you should, tie your bra straps to the tops of your knickers,
... prevents unwelcome attention and if you do get any
...everyone thinks your a virgin.
v, proving to the bar that u can stand is not proof that you
...can drink a bottle of vodka all by yourself.
w. yes u are, no I am not arguements don't help you to get into
... nightclubs, even if you do know the owner from afar.
y. why is fresh air toxic after alcohol.
z. why am I waking up in a zoo, looking like the guy from
...american werewolf in London, and my bra straps are ..,connected to my knickers which are full of wine bottle corks,
...which I have a strange compulsion to count, and then eat a, even the half eaten one in my coat pocket. ...Surrounded by taxi firm cards with telephone numbers ...written on the back.

Don't drink to excess, its not clever and its not hard,
have woken up under bridges and under some other horrible things, it is fun though, be carefull, same goes for drugs,
even worse, trust no-one.

More than likely you did not drink enough water. A hangover is simply your caused by your brain being dehydrated. Drink a lot of water and take some aspirin. Whenever I drink I try to drink plenty of water at the same time or drink 3 or glasses of water and 2 aspirin before going to sleep.

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