Drinking problems.....?!


Drinking problems.....?

Here are the questions i have
1.About every weekend i drink about 7 shots of hard liquor.
Last Friday me and my bf stole a bunch of alcohol from his parents and mixed like 7 different things together.
Is it bad to mix alcohol?

2. If i drink every weekend, is it likely that something bad can happen to me.

3. Me and my bf get in really bad fights when we get drunk,
is there a way to prevent this?

4. Whats the most amount of shots i should take?

Please do not say "Drinking is bad for you" or other stuff like that. Because i am not asking for my parents advice. thank you

5. What do I do when I get pregnant from drunken sex ?

6. What will I do when I marry this moron and he beats me up every day, because drinking will become a daily habit

7. How will I afford to live because I will have no job, a hungry kid and an alcohol problem.

You answer me them and I'll answer the first 5

I won't say nuttin except you might wanna review #3!!!

If things seem a little bad now it'll just get worse with time

you might outta slow down on the shots beer and a few shots are ok but when you go over the limit you seem to snap to easy on shots i do no that .. i had to slack off and say ok i,m only gonna have that 2 tonight and rest beer ... try it works and as far as mixing all that liquor it,s ok to mix but your liver,s not gonna take to it to good

why do you need to get out of it with booze try &deal with the real issues that are not right in your life

hey i was right where you are now many years ago, didn't think much about the weekend drinks, but as night turns to day they become daily drinks. its your life and respect from others that is on the line here. one day if you continue and let it over take you , you will wake up to find that there is nothing left, that is a bad feeling, stop now if you can and want to, if you do want to stop find a non drinking friend that you can call when you get the urge or better yet find a support group to help. the choice is up to you and no one else. but i do hope you make the right one

It's pretty bad to mix alcohol if you have to steal it. If you buy it yourself, no, it's not.

If you drink every weekend, then yes, it is likely that eventually something bad will happen to you. There are 52 weekends each year with two days each in them. That's 104 days or nearly 1/3 of the year. The odds are that eventually you will have a very bad experience.

Yes, there is a way to prevent fighting with bf while drinking. Don't drink with him.

The most amounts of shots you should take depends. If you are stealing it - none. Stealing is inherently wrong. If you buy your own, most people can metabolize about one shot per hour. However, women are not recommended to have more than one drink (shot/glass of wine/beer) per day as it increases our risks of certain cancers and heart disease. So, one per day - MAXIMUM.

Quit stealing booze. Buy your own. If you are too young to buy your own, get your parents to buy it for you. They HAVE to know what you're up to and it's best if you are supervised, apparently. Unless, of course, they're lushes, too.


try mixing only clear with clear and dark with dark, and know that dark alcohol usually pisses people off more that clear. when you see better with one eye shut slow your driking down and don't take more than three shots before your first pee thats when you know its through your system and already hit you.

you are an immature spoiled brat and i feel sorry for your parents because you are going to grow up to be a loser!

answer-1.it's bad to steal.
answer-2.(YES)in time the alcohol will hurt you,or worse you and your boyfriend will get behind the steering wheel and (kill) some innocent person.
answer-3.(DON'T DRINK)then you and your boyfriend won't fight.

you don't have to drink to have (FUN)
I also agree with what (mickatta)had to say.

You asked for advice, but then said "I am not looking for my parents advice". So what you are really saying is, "I only want to hear from people who agree with me". That alone is enough to show you are too immature to be drinking this much.

There are other signs too (stealing, fighting while drunk, conflict with family or friends over drinking).

Here's another one: If you drink every weekend, and drink so much that you get drunk, you are officially a "binge alcoholic". You need help. I'm sorry if you don't like hearing it but it's true.

I hope you are able to change your attitude and get the help you need before too much damage is done to your life.

1. its really bad to mixs alcohol cause u can die
2. there is a 50/50 chance something can happen
3. hell yeah girl when he not fighting with u if u have sex and give him ....... if u know what i meen it happens to me all the time
4. i don't know that question maybe 4 cause its not much

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