How many beers can you finish before you pass out.?!

Question: can do about 24 beers with a alcohole content of 4.7% by then im wasted and about another 4 before i pass out.
cheers happy drinking

Answers: can do about 24 beers with a alcohole content of 4.7% by then im wasted and about another 4 before i pass out.
cheers happy drinking

one full bottle of grey g00se the small
one wow i get so messed up haha
& beer --> miller light the favorite
i drink around 4 and i get dizzy act
dumb and get knocked out hah

7 x 500ml


I don't drink beer because it tastes like piss. Don't ask how I know what piss tastes like. :o)

But I can drink almost an entire bottle of Captain before I pass out. I don't do it often though.

it all depends on the time of day

6am - noon = 22

noon - 10pm = 30

10pm - 6am = more than 40

I'm a big guy, and I drink like a fish, I don't recommend anyone trying to keep up with me, and it's way too expensive to drink at bars (for me).

ok, keep in mind that my memory was not functioning so great to remember how many it I'm gonna have to say 2 beers. the first one, and the last one...the ones inbetween don't count.
In my Navy days I was able to drink close to a liter of Lambs Navy rum (overproof) and still walk.. But don't try that at home kiddies...

Not many, I don't weigh or drink a lot... so you do the math. I'm lucky to ever make it to double digits!

Im on 10 and still goin strong...I think I could push 20 if I tried....

I don't know.. one time I went out to a club with my girlfriend and friends and I said I was going to go wee.

The next thing I remember I'm on a bus towards my house with a massive scar on my arm and now idea how I got there.

I got off at my house and it was 4am, 6 hours after I'd gone to pee. I phoned my girlfriend up and was like "Hey, can I come around".

lets see now, 11 and i,m bullet proof,15 and i,m everybodies friend,20 i dont remember any thing else

Before I decide I need to go to sleep? Or before the beer in me tells me that floor is my bed?

First one = 15 Buds
Second one= anywhere from 20-30

Doc I average a case of beer a day, I start as soon as I wake up till I go to sleep, According to your question I have been passing out everyday for years....

hm once i had 5l and went home w/o any problem

the most beers i've ever had before passing out was like 20 i think. but recently ive just been able to drink a 12 pack. i pride myself on the fact that i can out drink most guys i know. :)

.Given a whole day... iv been quite capable of finishing a case. Not something id recommend.

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