What Drugs Have You Done? Describe each one and how you felt about it.?!

Question: I've done
Coke-I felt nothing except my nose burned. I don't understand what's so great about it.
Various Forms of Pain Killers-Again, overrated
Alcohol-Daquaris(specifiaclly new orleans ones) are the only alcoholic beverages that don't make me sick. And jack and coke(cola) too.
Weed-Just a plant, but the high is cool. As long as, like with any other drug, or even without, you don't do anything stupid.
Acid-Did it once, it was awesome, I seen everything in Mardi Gras colors. That stuff will mess you up though, so I'd rather not do it again.

And kids, don't do drugs. Don't listen to me. I'm just sharing my expierences, I don't know if my question will last, but if it does, share yours.

Answers: I've done
Coke-I felt nothing except my nose burned. I don't understand what's so great about it.
Various Forms of Pain Killers-Again, overrated
Alcohol-Daquaris(specifiaclly new orleans ones) are the only alcoholic beverages that don't make me sick. And jack and coke(cola) too.
Weed-Just a plant, but the high is cool. As long as, like with any other drug, or even without, you don't do anything stupid.
Acid-Did it once, it was awesome, I seen everything in Mardi Gras colors. That stuff will mess you up though, so I'd rather not do it again.

And kids, don't do drugs. Don't listen to me. I'm just sharing my expierences, I don't know if my question will last, but if it does, share yours.

Sure I will answer this and give everybody who has doesn't drugs a thumbs down....that's not what the question asks people...if you don't have any personal experiences to offer then don't answer!

Pot- my fav...mellow, love getting high and watching movies/tv. I feel like I have no aspirations and I love it. Every once in awhile I get paranoiod, but only when I am out in public with people I don't know and I am uber high (which is a rare occurance). I smoke at least twice a week.

Alcohol- close second fav. Again mellow, no aspirations and extremely happy. Sometimes its hard to stand and I lose control, but I know my limits and sometimes I enjoy going past them. I drink at least twice a week.

Nicotine- couldn't live with out a few daily smokes, calms the mind, speeds up the digestive process...mellow.

Coke- Fun, but is extremely addicting. Everyone is your best friend and you have to have a "deep" conversation with everybody and chain smoke like crazy. Feels extremely euphoric. Only done it less than 10 times and only will do it on extreme special occasions.

Meth- errr I got angry (like wanting to cause physical harm to others angry) the one time I did it. and I will stay far away from it.

Ecstasy- Don't remember the trip. But I had a great time, and I spent 3 hours talking to all my friends on the phone. Foamed at the mouth pretty hard too. Woke up in a pool of vomit and sweat, so I won't be doing any more "triple stacked blue dolphins"

Mushrooms- total fun. Done them 13 times and only had one bad trip. The good trips were great ranging from 6-15 hours each and totally psychadelic. Colors, sounds, everything is on a different wavelength. the one bad trip I had however, was extremely scary and completely introverted paranoia. I don't do mushrooms anymore because I don't want the fear creeping up on me.

Opium- Great for dreaming or about to pass out. Can knock me on my ***. Done it a few times, hard to get ahold of.

Prescription drugs like Vicodin and other downers- Fun and mellow, and makes me tired and completely useless. I feel no pain. Some of the lesser powerful ones make me itch uncontrollably (like Ultrum) I tend to stay away from these now because one of my friends is completely fried from them.

Adderal and other uppers- kind of like a mix of meth and coke. sometimes I just want to talk to people and sometimes I get angry. I stay away from them now, because I am a happy person and I don't enjoy thoughts of wanting to hurt someone for no reason.

Xanax- if combined with alcohol = BLACKOUT.... only done it once and I woke up in a fountain with no clothes...so um yeah.

LSD, Peyote/Mescaline- Same as mushies but only done each once. The trips were longer but less intense and on the mescaline I had to vomit a ton before the trip started.

I am sure I have done more (i.e. Salvia=gay, Robo-tripping=gay) but I don't remember anymore. If you want to read about these drugs and other trip stories visit: http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/psyc...

For now I stick with Alcohol, pot, and nicotine.

Also, I don't advocate the use of drugs and alcohol, the asker of the question asked for personal experiences, I gave mine, do not report me for this. I myself love this kind of stuff. I have a great job, a great life, and have many friends. Just because I do them and can handle them doesn't mean you should or will...also it doesn't give you the right to say I am a bad person or that drugs are bad...each and every person is different...so let me be me, and I will let you be you! And always remember to have fun.

none and I felt just fine

I haven't done any drugs.

Nothing. I like my brain cells where they are, thank you.

magic mushrooms
v freeing experience
forgot all my pains n just laughed all the time
it was v v good
but it ruined my concentration for like 3 months
never again

weed since the 90's and still smokin today -love it but I wish I never started smoking it cause I cant remember sh**

ectacy in 2003 - good for having sex with your boyfriend but it makes you feel horrible the next day.

that's about it.

I've only done weed, and it makes me mellow, lol.
But I can't wait to try 'shrooms.

vitamin c my mom bought em for me when i wuz 5, didn't feel good about them and she made me eat them.....THERE I CONFESSED

Tylenol - dulled my sense of pain
Nyquil - made me sleepy
Alcohol - gave me a warm fuzzy feeling and then made me puke and gave me a headache the next day

I'll go in the order in which the drugs were experienced

Beer/Wine/Liquor - Fun, as long as you dont go too far.
Cigarettes - Nice, but only once in awhile and even though I'm more tempted to smoke when I'm drunk, thats when I least appreciate a cig.
Salvia - The first time I had a very trippy very happy hallucination. The second time I thought I was being eaten alive by bugs, I havent done it since.
Weed - It grew on me, we get along quite well.
Coke - The first time I felt nothing, the second time made me feel really happy but its not something I've done since the second time.

Next up....ACID....I hear its great.

I have done weed...can't stand the high it gives me and it literally would make me sick any time I would try and smoke some.

And I've done coke..I personally loved the way it made me felt....Did it for a while, haven't done it in a LONG time.

Alcohol, I drink quite often but I know my limit and I just let myself get to the point where I'm feeling good..FUN. I dont get completely drunk to where i'm getting sick or anything.

Thats all i've done. Drugs are bad, stay away from them and dont drink and drive...Thank You!

ocycotton sucks bad, i didnt even get fmessed up, all i did was ppuke for a half hour and lightheaded as a mother ,i couldnt even stand up at cedar point

shrroms are fun

weed of course is always a yeah

ectasy its not the funnest thing ive ever done

Beer - sucks
pot - gotta have it, it's my prozac
coke - is way over rated but the good stuff down south is better than speed
meth - well, uh, yeah, it's fun but will destroy your life
ecstasy - feels soooooo nice but makes me really stupid when I wake up the next day
vicodin/Oxy - pharmaceutical heroin, makes you feel great
acid - too many different highs to talk about, the visuals were usually pretty intense though
shrooms - oooooo yeah!!!!! tripped out and had hours of awesome sex
a few others out there too but very bad for you
Children, drugs are bad, mmmkay!!!!!!
I experimented to see what all the talk was about and can honestly say that drugs **** you up and should be avoided.

none i drink but i dont gt drunk

Whoo, boy, lets see
LSD - made me laugh in an out of control manner. didnt really hallucinate much
Mushrooms - see above
Weed - Yep! Still love it after all these years!
Booze - the usual suspects
Mescaline - see LSD, Mushrooms - not a difference imo.
Xanax - prescribed for social anxiety, makes me loopy, only take it once in awhile
Cocaine - sister, you might have gotten a bad lot! I was fortunate that I couldnt afford it all the time, otherwise, I'd probably be dead-havent done it in about 12 years, wouldnt again.

Well I use to be a little bit of a hell raiser but I can honestly say none. My rush was siting on the back of 2000 pounds plus of pissed off bull for 8 seconds and I still do.

Don't do drugs! Curl up by a warm fire place and have a cup of hot chocolate with marsh mellows . The marsh mellows mellow you out it's like a buzz but legal

oh I'd like too but I'm a bit drunk now

first time I drank in 2 years

done it all

some day will write a book

I have done 21 drugs. There was a time period where I made the current celebrities look like light weights. I quit doing 18 of the 21 drugs. I still do alcohol, nicotine (cigars & smokeless tobacco), and caffeine (it is a drug).

Wormwood- I was in Munich and I was already drunk, so I don't remember what it did.
Weed- Sleepy and lazy
Coke- Never did anything for me
Focalin, Adderall, Ephdrine, and Ritalin- A total rush. Better than coke.
Adderall was the best because the drip was like skittles.
Opium, Morphine, Hash- You feel like you're floating. I was being tickled from the inside out. The second best body buzz after psychedelics.
Vicodin, Percocet, Valium- Numb and kind of like you're floating.
Xanax, Kilonopins, DXM, Nutmeg- Light headed and a dream like state. Kind of like I was drunk.
LSD, Shrooms- A total mystical experience. My mind was in another dimension. Physically, it was a non stop orgasm feeling for about six hours.

The first time I LSD, I saw grass growing on a garage floor and the hardwood floor in the house I was at. Later that night when I was alone at my house, I had a conversation with Satan. He came as a man and transformed into this beast on my garage floor. Kind of like the demon that leaves the girl in the exorcists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewu1laA2n... go to 2:21. I do realize it was all in my head.

The second time I did it, the poster of this chick in a bikini started to talk to me and this out picture of smoke stacks turned into a woman with a headband and a pitchfork saying revolution over and over again.

You have to be mentally prepared to do lsd. The same is true with shrooms. I realize that the drug brought my biggest fears and thoughts from my subconscious to my conscious mind. It expands your mind and you become a new person. The morning after, you wake up a new person. You are reborn.

I did two blotters of double dipped acid each time I tripped. With shrooms it ranged from half an 8th to a quarter ounce ingested.

No thanks, officer, I would rather keep my experiances to myself, if you please.............

you need to take a few more and die girl

thats gross!
I have never done any drugs and don't plan to, then I would become a disgusting person like you

Drugs are bad, m'kay...

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