Chances of becoming an alcoholic?!

Question: well my dad was an alcoholic for about 20 years...
im afraid that i will turn out be to an alcoholic as well
i dont drink im only 17 but i have tried alcohol before...
I have this really bad craving for alcohol and i dont know why, everytime i think about it or see it i want it.
what are the chances that ill end up being an alcoholic since my dad was one and its in my blood?

Answers: well my dad was an alcoholic for about 20 years...
im afraid that i will turn out be to an alcoholic as well
i dont drink im only 17 but i have tried alcohol before...
I have this really bad craving for alcohol and i dont know why, everytime i think about it or see it i want it.
what are the chances that ill end up being an alcoholic since my dad was one and its in my blood?

When one of your parents is an alcoholic, your chances of becoming one increase by 50%. Please, please stay away from it. I've seen so many young people mess up their lives with alcohol--don't be one of them.

Your chances are a lot higher. Just stay away, I'm sure you've seen all the negative side effects it's had on your dad.

I can't give you genetic statistics, but I can say that your chances will be higher than someone who may not have the alcoholism gene (assuming you do - but you may not).

If you are craving it, then you may want to get into a program or to see a counselor now, while you can still control it. Otherwise, when you turn 21 and have unlimited access to it, you may not have the skills to counteract your desires.

You'll probably be best to just steer clear. I party pretty hard, and I wouldn't call myself an alcoholic, but its gotten me into some trouble. Most of my friends who have gotten into trouble from drinking (school/work problems, being sexually assalted, arrests, fights, etc) seem to have alcoholism in their family. It's a lot of fun to party, but it brings a lot of stress and drama too. Plus, it costs a lot of money buying booze. It sucks when everyone else is drinking and it seems like they are having such a good time - -they really are, but they are having a lot of bad times too.

i can't fathom how people can like alchohol, i've sipped beer a couple times in the past and spewed it out every time i tryed it, i couldn't learn to like that stuff even if i took baby step's,

1.(my opinion)it taste rancid and leave's a bad taste in mouth 2. it dry's your throat out and can dehydrate you

you have a greater chance of becoming an alcoholic because your father is one, here are some more interesting notes, on alcohol, alcoholism. you are smart to do some research on the issue. good luck.

You have pretty good (meaning bad) odds - heredity is going against you son. Runs in my family too - grandfather, uncle, brother. All died early. My brother wrecked every vehicle he ever owned because he needed to drink.

The last car wreck he was in, he was sober ,,, and it killed him. <scratchin' my head> I just don't understand ,,,,

Alcoholism is a progressive disease and gets worse the more you drink. Since you do not currently drink, it is highly improbable that you will become a full blown alcoholic unless you were to start actually drinking.


Alcoholism can be both a learned behaviour as well as possibly genetic, so there is a good possibility that you could become alcoholic.

There is a list you can examine if you fear becoming an alcoholic (craving alcohol now, could be a good reason to fear alcoholism, btw).

Here is the list, courtesy of AA.

1 - Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?

2 - Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking-- stop telling you what to do?

3 - Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?

4 - Have you had to have an eye-opener upon awakening during the past year?

5 - Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?

6 - Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year?

7 - Has your drinking caused trouble at home?

8 - Do you ever try to get "extra" drinks at a party because you do not get enough?

9 - Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don't mean to?

10 - Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking?

11 - Do you have "blackouts"?

12 - Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?

You can do the test interactively at the AA website and it gives more detail to the meaning of each of the questions. But if you answered yes to 4 or more of the questions, chances are you have a problem or potential problem with alcohol.

How do I know? I am an adult member of Alanon, both of my parents are in the program; my father is an alcoholic in recovery.

Their is A.A. AND 12 steps programs
go to a meeting.sit in on one.....and after you hear all the hard ships and look at where and what they have left. I'm sure you will be happy to know you still have a choice. Continue the family life cycle or you can make are not alone and you are not doomed!

good luck

if you have alcoholic decent, you are more likely to become an alcoholic yourself.You don't necessarily have to, but you seem to be going in that track.
Talk to some counselor about that and they will help you better that people with nothing to do, answering what they don't know in the Internet.
This problem is serious, and you need to find qualified help, in you community for people like you.

Good luck

i hear ya, my dad was an alchy til the day he died. While in h.s i drank a lot!! I am not an alcoholic, i thinks its the thrill of doing it, especially illegally, once i turned 21 i hardly ever drank. JUST SO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE AND TELL YOURSELF YOU WILL NOT BECOME! that's what i did=D

If you don't drink, how can you have a craving for alcohol?

Children of alcoholics are at an increased risk of becoming alcoholics themselves, unfortunately. Seek outside help (AA or ALAnon) if necessary, if you think this is becoming a problem in your life.

Biology is not destiny. Your dad may have been an alcoholic but that doesn't mean you will be too! Easy way to avoid it...don't drink.

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