Whats the funniest/embarassing thing youve done while drunk?!

Question: I was once drinking with my friend her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend (who I totallllyyyy fancy!!).

We were in the park and whilst a bit tipsy I got chased by the guy I like. I ran and tripped over a metal skate bar thing. It was sooooo embarrasing and it hurt. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry!!

Answers: I was once drinking with my friend her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend (who I totallllyyyy fancy!!).

We were in the park and whilst a bit tipsy I got chased by the guy I like. I ran and tripped over a metal skate bar thing. It was sooooo embarrasing and it hurt. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry!!

I got drunk at a party then came home & my family were all still awake. I was trying 2 amuse my little sister, so I put my feet on the handlebars of an exercise bike & tried to pedel with my hands. But my hands couldnt quite reach, so I used 2 soup ladles to hook into the pedels. I don't remember falling off but I did. I woke up with a massive purple lump on my forehead. I snunk around the house for an hour trying 2 work out how 2 hide it-but I couldnt.
My family told EVERYONE & I stil get teased about it.
I do agree thaty its funny however.

Tried to dry my hands under a Durex machine. I've never lived it down.

Has to be air guitar I think... why is it that when you're drunk you think it looks so cool?

But on some goggles and pretended to swim like a fish, and sang a song I called "little fishy bob" in a southern accent and then laughed so hard I fell down the stairs lol


one time when i was completely wasted with my friend, we were in my basement drunk-dialing people. apparently i made plans with a bunch of guys for the next day because i got a bunch of phone calls from like 4 guys saying "when do you want to meet for ______?" and i felt sooo bad!! i had to explain to them all that i was drunk and not interested in them. very embarrassing for me and also the guys =(

i was pissed outa my head, got into what i thought was a cab...was actually just someone parked up :S

I peeeeed on my DVD Player.. i thought it was the toilet

Fell in to A Cactus that was under my bedroom window as i was sneaking in..

At a friends party I ran around the house 3 times nude.I then had 3 new girlfriends.

my friends yelled out "theres your parents" so i legged it and hid in the bushes and didn't come out for ages and they couldn't find me.
another time i pissed on a building and it ran right down the street. an asian dude stepped in it even though he saw me doing it. he looked like hiro off heroes so i went up and shook his hand and he just kept bowing to me

Ran stark naked into a stranger's house.

We skinny-dipped in my hot tub with a couple of good friends playing truth or dare, in the middle of winter, I distinctly remember running around the house naked, in about a foot of snow, and I remember something about going up the kids playset, and sliding down the twisty-tube slide thing... and thats pretty much all I remember... well they were friends... since then we don't seem to talk much... gee, I wonder how come?? LOL

drunkin bon er

I was hanging out with friends and i got smashed and the next morning i woke up still drunk and i bent over my friend (who was on the floor) to pick up something and there was a glass of water in my arm and i spilt it all over her back, and she didn't wake up.

I was playing basketball with this chick I wanted and the ball went into the bushes. I went in after it and came out all soaking wet. It had fallen into a little pond behind the bushes that I never realized was there until it was too late.
I didn't get the chick either.

I was standing in front of everyone, really trashed off of box wine that I stole from the restaurant that I used to work at (but still had the codes to the door haha)

So, we partying on a beach that we ate at and i had this HUGE lobster claw that my gurl had eaten at the clam bake. I put the claw on my hand and pretended to be my english teacher that we had in high school, because her hand was crippled and all mangled. I was like imitating the teacher with the lobster on my hand, then I suddenly felt the urge to puke. So, I litterally went from everyone looking at me pretending to be our old english teacher to me projectile vomiting alll over the playground at the beach for the little kids to play in the following morning.

It was so embarrassing but it was so funny at the same time.

Ok so i have the urge to tell you all my fav. drunk stories.

One time my sister and her best friend were at this guy's house drinking in the hot tub, and no lie, my sister PUKED inside the hot tub!!! Hahahaha Only she and her friend knew, I laughed so hard when she told me that.

ok this didnt happen to be but I guy I went to school with, it wasnt funny or embaressing to him but those that found him doing this it was Hilarious.

Senior yr of high school the week before graduation we have senior skip day which they let us get away with. So a bout 3/4 of the class ended up at ones house and where partying it up, and like always someone gets to wasted to remember what they where doing while drunk. So everyones having a good time and we all decide to go skinny dipping, but cant find one of the more popular guys who would be so in to this. So few of us go searching and low and behold we find him in the bathroom hiding in the shower jerking one off, but heres the kicker he was using a shampoo bottle as the"girl". Hes sitting there face tilted back in pleasure, when he calls out one of the teachers name and I guess he hit his HIGH note cause he looks at the door a few seconds later and screams like a girl curses us out and grabbing a towel, his shorts and Im guessing taking the bottle with him storms out and leaves the party. I think we laughed for a good 45 mins or longer. And Im sure some of his buddies never let him forget it either. To this day at parties I dont ever get drunk cause I dont wanna end up doing something even close to that.

And no its not made up it actually happened Class of 97

I had a "who can catch the most fruitloops in your mouth" contest with my friend. I wasn't drunk though =]

Drank a bottle of vodka - good times.

Woke up naked under my mate's fireside rug - bad times.

I was with my husband at a company Christmas party. We were in this bar in Pittsburgh, that over looked The Point, on the 3 rivers.

Well.... during dinner, I leaned forward to say something to one of his coworkers and her husband, and dipped my left boob into my spaghetti sauce. It was dark in the restaurant, and my dress was about the same color, so no one really noticed. lol

Then... I needed to "powder my nose". So, I go up the stairs into the ladies' room. All was okay until I had to pull up my pantyhose. I got my bracelet caught in the waistband and couldn't see (between the poor lighting and the alcohol) to get it undone.

I eventually got my arm out of the bracelet, and then got the bracelet off my pantyhose. I just couldn't get the bracelet back on. So, I headed back downstairs and told my husband what happened.

Naturally, everyone in our party heard me and they all started laughing. My husband was laughing too hard to help me get my bracelet back on. So, one of his coworkers said "Here... I'll do it."

Well... he kept trying to fasten it wrong. (He was 3 sheets to the wind at this point, too.) I said "No John! You're doing it all wrong!!" He said "Gee... if I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I'd be a very wealthy man indeed!"

There was one other time I got really wasted.... but that's another story for another time. Just suffice it to say, that's one Styx concert I'll NEVER forget! lol

Hitchhiked topless on a busy street corner.

Me and my friends found a shopping trolley on the way home from the pub and thought it would be a good idea to push each other in it. My friend was pushing as I fell out of the trolley, hit my head off of a brick wall and had to go to A & E. I had to get a few stitches, but having to explain to the doctor's that I had fallen out of a shopping trolley wasn't one of my proudest moments.

new years eve .. i was at my worst.. :P
Tried to jump out of a window :O.
Cried in someones house i didnt even know.
Got called cocky and big head.
and tried to rolll off a balcony!:L lol
But in the mroning .. i went sick about 9 times:O xx

went skinny dipping in a pond in the woods with mates??? still dont know why i did it it was really cold and i was ill for weeks

Never been drunk b4, and if someone were drunk, how would they remember what went on the night before?


you shouldnt get drunk! what the hell is wrong with you? thousands of braincells die with each drink you take and your liver is slowly deteriorating! just do some weed!

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