Wine [white]?!


Wine [white]?

i'm drinking three to four bottles of wine a day with lemonade or diluting it with water is that a good idea

I'm afraid you need some very serious help, there is no way you should dilute a good white wine with lemonade or water.

They say it's good to drink one glass of wine a day. You're having three to four, but they're diluted. I guess it's ok if the wine you have is one glass worth. Divided the wine between three or four glasses and dilute it. Then you'll know you're having one glass a day.

Sorry mate, but you have a huge problem. See your doc or AA!

Maire above .... he said BOTTLES not glasses!

LOL! Are you serious? Alcoholic. That's you.

No way, you need to get help.

It doesnt matter what you dilute it with,the fact is you're drinking 3-4 bottles a day.Ive known alcoholics who drink less than that.You have a problem.

No, that's not a good idea at all. Even if you are adding water the alcohol will dehydrate you. Not to mention the effect it is having on your kidneys.

You need to break the habit you have got in to. Speak to family/friends or get professional help, but whatever you do stop this habit as soon as possible as you are causing yourself irrevocable damage.

Good luck.

No, that is not good. Just because you are diluting it that means nothing as you are still consuming a lot of alcohol for the day. You need to stop with the wine and jut drink the water or the lemonade

You are seriously drinking too much. I usually drink a bottle during the course of the week and a bottle on a Saturday night and even that's too much. You really need to cut down. If you have problems, they are not going to be solved by drinking them away.

No it is not a good idea. Just drink water instead.
You are an alcoholic and need help.

Despite the problems associated with drinking that amount of alcohol a day, if you are drinking that much lemonade as well I am surprised you aren't exploding.

Seriously, that is far too much wine to be drinking in a full week, let alone a day. If you can't stop on your own, you need to get help very soon.

Three to four BOTTLES? Oh my... I think you better see a doctor or something and try to quit drinking too. Good luck on that.

Just for your information, the normal average of wine people drink is actually one to two GLASSES of wine a day, but bottles? That's for alcoholics...

i guess you're not doing any good to your organs...especially your kidneys, liver & brain!!!!
be wise...compromise & learn to control your habit before it is too late!!

How old are you? But bad stuff mate! Actually, in spite of what the previous answers say, it is a good idea to dilute it. It helps it through quicker & puts a little less strain on your liver.

Having said that. you probably will not live to draw your pension.

Unless,of course, you are my age...

You are drinking way too much and mixing alcohol with fizzy drinks makes them more potent in your blood stream.If you are being serious you need help.

And I thought I was bad.

er no you are an alky

Go to the doctor, and get your liver and kidneys checked. Get a blood test, a yuron, test, ultrasound, all that **** pronto. I got a question though. If I drink a big *** bottle of Maria Christinia, twice in the week, what does that do to me?

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