Best drunk story?!

Question: I'm turning 21 on March 22nd...and I plan on making some great stories of my own from then on out...already have had some good times...but its only gonna get better I'm sure

What is your absolute best drunk story?

make me laugh outloud and I'll give ya 10...

so pumped for my 21st...cant wait

Answers: I'm turning 21 on March 22nd...and I plan on making some great stories of my own from then on out...already have had some good times...but its only gonna get better I'm sure

What is your absolute best drunk story?

make me laugh outloud and I'll give ya 10...

so pumped for my 21st...cant wait

Went out drinking with a coupel of friends from out of town at a bar. We got wasted but were able to make it home okay. As soon as we got through the door she had to make a mad dash to the bathroom to go pee. So im a few steps behind her and when i get to the bathroom, she had accidentally lifted up the hamper and was peeing in there.

Next morning when i go to pick her up, she's fighting with the manager that some maid came in while she was out and pissed all over her clothes. I had to tell her, it was her and i even showed her a pic i took off my phone.

Threw up on the dance floor at a bar during an employee Christmas party... 'Nuff said.

Um, well, I was at by bros wedding anniversary party in Poland, his wife is Polish, and drank an obscene amount of vodka (home brewed and Absolut) . Think i was under more pressure being from Scotland where we are famous for being heavy drinkers! lol. Yeah anyways, was fine till we got back to the house but as soon as i lay down on my bed the room started spinning and i rushed to the toilet. Was violently sick for some time. then went back to my room but needed to be sick again and my bros wife was in the bathroom. Was the only one in the house too. lol. Ended up spewing in a plastic bag with one of the familys cats looking on. Eventually managed to get back into the bathroom to finish off the business! lol Felt much better after tho!

Puking in my mom's brand new Ford Windstar Mini Van after my buddies wedding reception! My g/friend was driving, tried to pull over a few times so I could puke, I wouldn't then all of a sudden I hack right in the van! Kind of sucked that i had to clean it up with one hell of a hangover the next day!

I dont know if this is my "best" story, but its certainly crazy. Mind you this is after sharing half a bottle of rum, and a bottle of vodka with just one other person. So it starts out with me wandering around the back yard, apparently looking for something I lost and being very upset about it...somehow I end up under the back porch, and then I fell and start rolling around in the dirt. After doing this, I crawled out towards the steps and started screaming about how the world was spinning and ripping grass out of the ground. Finally I was coaxed to come sit up on the porch steps, and at that point I demanded a glass of water. My nice friend brings it to me, and I go to drink it and just dump it over my head and demand more...they say it happened three times before they stopped bringing me the water. I guess I wasnt able to be convinced to come in for about an hour or two. Once inside, I grabbed a bag of shreaded cheese out of the fridge, put some on bread and ate it then stumbled up to bed(why I would choose to eat that, I have no idea). I layed in bed for probably less than five minutes, leaned over my bed and puked all over the floor. Then rolled back over and went to sleep.
Definitely a night I regret for acting like such a fool...but its pretty funny thinking back on it now.

A girl friend and I went for a civilised dinner minus our respective other half's. After consuming a bottle of champagne and then a bottle of wine over a wonderful Thai meal we left to grab a single after dinner drink which ended up being two. It was in December and it was a stinking hot day so the G&T's went down like a treat. Some American Marines sat at the outside table next to us and were complaining about Aussie beer and how we can't drink. My mate and I laughed looked at each other and said, " Oh is that right. We beg to differ but if you aren't up to the challenge..." Well the challenge was set with that remark. No worries for two aussie girls, already with a few drinks under their belts. We matched them beer for beer and spirit for spirit then shot for shot. The night culminating in my friend and I barely holding up the bar but needless to say we some how managed it. We looked around two marines had gone home in a very sorry state, one was curled up in a booth on the chair, another had just gone walkabout and the fifth was driving the porcelain bus. The bartenders smiled proudly at us and gave their congratulations. Needless to say that there were a few sore heads the next day. We somehow had one of the guys numbers so we called the next day and they conceeded defeat as gentlemenly as possible without harming their egos. I think that they learnt their lesson well.

Turning 21 gives you a 75% more chance of getting a DUI because now you can do it in public away from your house or friends house... But anyway drunk as hell Im a veteran so there is a fire house near an area im vacationing. It reads VFD and im a member of the VFW and decide to go in for a couple of casual drinks because i thought it was a VFW, im waisted and left my G/F in the car, being a gentlemen making sure its open... Im walking around, in the garage, threw the offices looking for the bar... Im pacing looking at the awards and pictures, still strolling when i come up on a lounge area with a TV. So i decide to have a seat and watch a little TV with the two fire fighters who are on the other couch's dead asleep. Im contemplating waking them up and asking where the bar is but at the same time im asking myself.... Why is there fire engines here??? So i take another look around and it finally dawns on my dumb drunk *** that its a volunteer fire department and as im walking out of the station at 3:00 in the morning the alarm goes off and needless to say take it easy while your out there...

1 DUI learn from me

got drunk while muddin and rode in the back of my buddies truck got covered in mud and water so on the back to town still in the back of the truck we went to the automatic car wash to wash the truck and i stayed in the back with about 20 people watching at 2 o'clock in the morning

Tried to get into a WWII fighter plane at the local airport and take it for a spin at 2.00 AM. Since I was a pilot I knew I could fly it. Luckily for me, I couldn't,t figure how to get the canopy open. Later on I shot at overhead streetlights while driving with a .22 pistol. I made it home ok and passed out. Thinking back on it, I realized how young and dumb I was and got my act together. AMEN.

Me and my friend were in the Air Force and getting drunk every night (we were intel, don't you feel safe). We got back to base one night and I decided to sit down on the sidewalk outside CQ (night guard) station. I layed back and after a while realized that I couldn't sit up. So I pulled out my phone and called CQ on the official business line (I was maybe 5 feet from their door). I said "This is Airman _____, I was wondering if you could send someone out here to give me a hand standing up." The guy they sent was a dick, he walked me all the way to my room cuz he thought I was drunk.

One Halloween when I was in college all of my buddies and I decided to go out dressed as hooters waitresses. After drinking for many many hours one of my friends found a pair of handcuffs in the random house we were in. Obviously he thought it would be a good idea to handcuff himself. Once he realized nobody had the key to the handcuffs he ran out of the house and towards a cop car outside a nearby bar. He ran up to the cop wasted and dressed as a hooters waitress and proceeded to ask the police officer to take off his handcuffs. The cop looked at him really confused and noticed that he actually had one standard police issue handcuffs. Surprisingly the cop took off the cuffs and he took off running into the night before any questions could be asked.

i don't remember any of my best drunk stories, because i was too drunk to remember.

but wednesday night i went to pee on a tree and i was leaning back to prop my back on the tree, and the tree moved and i fell down this hill, pants at my ankles.

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