13 year olds Drinking?!?!

Question: Okayy I have never drank any sort of beer, and never plan to, its just a waste of time & money to LOOK cool! But some of my friends who are 13 are always drinking. We go to michigan for a school trip and there planing on taking beer, and wine coolers in shampoo and conditioner bottless.... It worries me thoughh.... i meann im a shy girl who CANT say guyyss that is illeagll.... i mean ill lose my popularityy if i do. and yeahh i said popularityy im popular, but i dont act like the bratty oness!So helpp me what am i supposed to do?

Answers: Okayy I have never drank any sort of beer, and never plan to, its just a waste of time & money to LOOK cool! But some of my friends who are 13 are always drinking. We go to michigan for a school trip and there planing on taking beer, and wine coolers in shampoo and conditioner bottless.... It worries me thoughh.... i meann im a shy girl who CANT say guyyss that is illeagll.... i mean ill lose my popularityy if i do. and yeahh i said popularityy im popular, but i dont act like the bratty oness!So helpp me what am i supposed to do?

I'm 14 and all of my friends drink. Ive only tried it once and didn't like it AT ALL! But you shouldn't tell on them if you are worried about what will happen. Just don't drink and let them do what they want. If they ask you why you dont want to lie and say you had a few sips earlier. If your worried they will get in trouble or caught drinking warn them and maybe make a plan if a parent or an elder comes by. If you're afraid they might get harmed while drinking just tell them that you're worried and want them to be careful. If they are your true friends they'll understand.
Hope i helped<3

Just let them do it!~ I mean they are way to young to be drinkin but you dont want to spoil there fun!

Just tell them you don't want any part in it, so you can't get in trouble if they're busted & you knew.
If you stay out of this, you won't loose popularity, but you're not going to gain any ethier.
Sometimes you should just do whats best for yourself & not worry so much about your reputation.
I'm 13 also & would never drink.
Don't let them pressure you into doing it ethier, just say you think it taste gross or something & that high class girls don't drink beer =)

Ignore them. Don't partake and don't taddle. If you give someone enough rope...they'll hang themselves. They will get in trouble on their own and you won't have anything to do with it. I'm happy to hear you're being much smarter when it comes to underage drinking :) Good Luck!

uhm first of all-yes, it is wrong. You're not llegal yet to drink. And well, if you see them drinking, then just say nicely that you think its not cool. And if you lose your popularity over that? Uhm , yeah. At least protecting yourself from alcohol is more important than popularity. =]

Tell an adult that you trust now that there are kids planning this. Then they can check shampoo bottles etc. and no one needs to know it was you that told. You'd be doing them a favor.
By the way, there are a lot worse things in life than being unpopular. Do you really want to be liked by people like that?

Drinking is not cool. Not even for those of legal age. However, those of us who are of legal age, are grown up enough to make the decision whether or not to drink. A 13 year old cannot make that decision.

At 13 you haven't even begun to live. Heck, even an 18 year old, who can vote, own property and start a family, hasn't begun to live.

I just don't get why all these kids feel the need to grow up so bloody fast. Being an adult isn't all that great. At your age, you should be more concerned about whether or not your grades are good, you have good friends and have a date for the next school dance.

Tell an adult about the situation. The trip might be cancelled, but at least you and your friends will still be alive. Let the ones who were trying to sneak the alcohol along be the ones to explain why their parents just wasted a bunch of money on a trip that won't be happening. At least YOU will still have your parents' trust and respect. Something that you cannot regain once it's gone.

I know if you feel this way that is definitely commendable and don't worry about saying that you would rather not be a part of it. I know eventually you'll find that there is probably at least some other kid of the group that may be wondering or feeling the same but is maybe just going along with the group to be popular too. But you don't have to worry about that. Just be strong and say that isn't your thing and you won't get in trouble from it. That will be the better thing. You will get their respect in the end after taking your stand for what is right. I commend you for your stand.

The best thing to do is don't drink!! You may not be able to stop your friends from drinking, but you have to watch out for you. If you start drinking at such a young age, it will only continue to get worse as you get older. You have a good possiblitiy of becoming an alcoholic. You don't need the drinks to be a great girl, let your own personality shine thru!! Good luck

Well if they are on a school trip and drinking I would think they have a pretty good chance of getting caught!
Teachers are not stupid.
Alcohol is easy to smell!
Also, you could tip off a teacher.
So, they would get caught but it would seem like the teacher found out because he or she smelt the alcohol or saw them drinking it.
You know.
Drinking something out of a shampoo bottle is going to look fishy!

Otherwise just stay away from them.

Be a rat and rat them out. It is for their own good.

Just tell theem its not for you, but don't stop them. Its just a phase & they'll grow out of it. If you see them having to drink every day, then there's a problem. Otherwise, its just kids being kids. Its definetly good that you know better. Drinking isn't that great. All you get out of it is wondering what you did the night before & a terrible hangover the next day.

Simply don't participate and try to get them caught. Not too hard, but try. They'll get what they deserve sooner or later.

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