Alcohol damage?!


Alcohol damage?

A friend of our family drinks 4 pints a beer every night. It has been going on for about 10 years. How damaged do you think they would be. He is 44 and quite well built. Do you think their life expectancy has been drastically reduced?

i think you already know the answer to this - but if you need confirmation then yes.

my father was a moderate daily drinker for years, which slowly progressed into a heavy daily drinker and is now an extremely ill man. A few months ago he ended up in intensive care and to cut a long story short he will die this

he is 54 years old.

personal experience of someone who was kidding themselves.

If he lives in England and if he continues to drink like this, in 20 years he will be a drain on the NHS and will probably need a new liver!

Same as a smoker thend cdc a drain on the NHS??

Drinkers and smokers pay more tax than anyone in this country - can't wait until the smoking ban comes in - ppl either cut down and stop and all your taxes go up

Do you need to ask this after George Best.

Yes his liver would be damaged. And im sure this has also had affects on his bloodpressure. When you drink alot of alcohol your more likely to get cancer, stroke or heart disease.

Speaking as someone who has recovered from alcoholism I would say he hasn't damaged himself too badly. It is amazing he kept his limit to four per night. If he has only drunk that amount per day then I would say he wasn't alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who has lost control of his/her drinking.
The amount of damage a drinker does to him/herselfdepends also on what food he had during this period. Alcohol prevents absorption of certain vitamins and minerals the body needs.

Men should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week (and no more than four units in any one day).
Women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week (and no more than three units in any one day).

Three pints of beer, three times per week, is at least 18 units per week.
Strong beer at 6% has six units in one litre. If you drink half a litre (500 ml) - just under a pint - then you have had three units.........Three pints of beer is at least 18 4 pints would equal 21 units.....that's the amount that a man should [if he wants to] drink in a whole week, but not all at once though......4 pints a day would amount to a staggering 147 units per week.

About 1 in 4 men, and about 1 in 7 women, drink more than the safe levels. Many people who drink heavily are not 'addicted' to alcohol, and are not 'alcoholics'. To stop or reduce alcohol would not be a problem if there was the will to do so. However, for various reasons, many people have got into a habit of drinking regularly and heavily. But, drinking heavily is a serious health risk.

So your friend has a much higher chance of facing some of the many health risks set out below......

Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver).
Cirrhosis (scarring of the liver). Up to 3 in 10 long-term heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis.
Stomach disorders.
Pancreatitis (severe inflammation of the pancreas).
Mental health problems including depression, anxiety, and various other problems.
Sexual difficulties such as impotence.
Muscle and heart muscle disease.
High blood pressure.
Damage to nervous tissue.
Accidents - drinking alcohol is associated with a much increased risk of accidents. In particular, injury and death from fire and car crashes. About 1 in 7 road deaths are caused by drinking alcohol.
Some cancers (mouth, gullet, liver, colon and breast).
Obesity (alcohol has many calories).
Damage to an unborn baby in pregnant women.
Alcohol dependence (addiction).
In the UK about 33,000 deaths a year are related to drinking alcohol,
A quarter of those are due to accidents related to drink.

it can be difficult to determined exactly as it can vary from person to person the official recommendations of x units for male and x for female are really only guidelines but i wouldn't though he has done that much damage to his liver or his life expectancy reduced that much that is another thing that can only be generalised

4 pints is nothing

Depends on his metabolism That great Englishman (some say!, I differ), Winston Churchill, drank so much with his lunch every day he had to go to bed in the afternoon to sleep it off.

When he got up, he started again. Aperitifs, wine & brandy & slept that off all night.

He also ran the country in wartime while chain smoking very large cigars. He said, in his old age" I've taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has ever taken out of me"

He died at the early age of 90. I'm not saying that these things are good for you, merely that generalisations are facile.

Without puttin a downer on the mood. I have been drinking alot since I moved out at 16 started off with the odd beer and Lambrini, then I was old enough to go into pubs/Clubs/Bars etc and started on spirits. I got a job in a bar at 18 then Myself and my partner were given the oppurtunity to run our own pub so we did and last year I was taken into hospital with stomach cramps. I have 2 ulcers and have damaged my liver. I'm 21 years old. If I carry on I will not see 44. although A bottle of Vodka a night is different to a few beers, in time it takes its toll but I'd say 4 a night is safe.

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