How many of you have been in a drunken fight?!

Question: I was just curious? Can you tell me a little about it too, please?

Answers: I was just curious? Can you tell me a little about it too, please?

many all at a club called panama reds on the south side of oklahoma city.
in my twenties when i got out of the Navy I was what is called a dime scraper shoot if any tough guy even looked at me wrong I'd bust a bottle on his head there was one time an ol boy was being rude at the table next to me and my buds
well I told him to shut the f@#k up and he gets up
and walks behind me then reaches around my throat with a razor knife, got a good cut befor my buddy pulled his hand away, got the scar to prove it, so I get up and take
a chair and cominced to beat him to a pulp.
I was one mean man,
but I am much older and broken ribs, jaws
and things like that hurt more and take longer to heal
and I dont hang out at bars any more,
the old saying is true
if ya cant run with tha pack then keep yer azz on the porch.


I was in a bar that totally blew up once. I got to the door and left. Good policy, since the rest ended up in jail that night.

What drunk hasn't been in a bar

It usually sucks ***. You either get beat up...or you end up with broken hands/knuckles the next day...and everything hurts the next day. You won't feel it as its going on, but it sucks the next day, I don't recommend it.

I wasn't involved, per se......

I was standing near the stage at a concert, a few years ago. Everything was good, the music, the people.... everything.

Next thing I know, these two guys to my right start duking it out. All because the one's girlfriend was having a hissy fit over people "rushing the stage" and ruining her view from her front row seat.

Words were exchanged, then a shoving match ensued. Then the punches starting flying, with "F**k you!!!" being thrown in for good measure.

Next thing I know, I'm being crushed between a bunch of people fighting and security trying to sort it all out. I ended up getting stepped on and had a fishbowl of beer dumped on me. (Maybe that's why my camera doesn't work so well anymore. lol)

That's the closest I've come to a drunken fight. lol

Once at a bar, Im never a violent drunk...But this guy walked up to my buddy (really small and short) and shoved him so hard he hit his head on the wall, I got up and we got into it. The bouncer threw me and him out.

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