Can you tell if someone is drunk just by looking at them?!

Question: If a person was just sitting there quietly and you couldnt smell their breath or anything could you tell that they were drunk?

Answers: If a person was just sitting there quietly and you couldnt smell their breath or anything could you tell that they were drunk?

it depends what kind of drunk they are. usually their eyes get really ****** up and they laugh a lot and look really stupid and they slur their speech. but if they were quietly sitting, you'd probably notice by the way they were slumped, or how they were holding their head, if they talked obnoxiously, or if they keep smiling for no good reason. it's usually the eyes though. they can get bloodshot or really small. also if they seem to be staring at nothing, theyre probably gone.

if they were usuallly quiet the wouldnt sit quietl there eyes would wonder and they would act silly or unusuall

it depends on the person. i have friends that can have 3 beers and only barely be buzzed, they could still drive, carry a conversation, but if you look at them you think "dang, u drunk!" but my dad for instance, can get really really drunk, like where he just gives my mom his keys and says "u drivin!" but even watching him walk around and stuff you wouldn't think he was drunk. my wife says when i get drunk she can't tell that im drunk unless she talks to me, then i start blabbing about stupid stuff and telling jokes no one gets. but im good at sitting quietly drunk. i guess i learned it from high school where i had to sit quietly stoned ;)

Sometimes (and not with all people) you can notice that they might be swaying slightly back and forth with a "far away" look in their eyes........or if their eyes are like half shut or kind of look heavy might be a sign too.

It depends on the individual and the elevation of their drunkness. In most cases, YES. The eyes tell alot

It depends on the person, and how well you know them. I can usually tell if my friends are hammered or just slightly buzzed, from across the room.

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