I am 25 and still drink 4-5 times a week. Usually 4-5 glasses of wine or more each night.?!

Question: I know that sounds like alcoholism, and maybe it is, but it was the norm in college. Am I way too old to be acting like this?

Answers: I know that sounds like alcoholism, and maybe it is, but it was the norm in college. Am I way too old to be acting like this?

I think consuming that much wine every night isn't too much. Yes, it's on the "high" side, but not too much. Besides, it's probably a phase you are in. When you get older, start a family and have more responsibilities in life, your wine consumption will most likely adjust itself accordingly and automatically. So till then, cheers! Red wine is good for you.

Well, you are not in college anymore. Sober up and get your career going. Good Luck>

It might have been the "norm" in college but it was to much and still is. Sorry!


You should only drink one glass of wine a week. I heard it's good for you.

Beer can be drunk frequently without problems, unless you start drink driving or abusing people.

Guidelines say, women should have 2 to 3 drinks per night, and 2 nights alcohol free. Total 14 units a night, 21 for men.

You would probably find that you sleep so much better and therfore have a better life if you cut down the booze.

Alcoholism is only when yu DEPEND on drink, be it to relax, confidence etc. However you can become an alcoholic through habit.

It doesn't mean that because it was the "norm" in college, that it wasn't alcoholism. As soon as someone needs just one drink a day it is considered a problem!! It's not even a question of how old you are! Think about your liver!! Any who, do what you like, but I would ease up on the stuff if I were you!

Age is not a factor.Try to determine why you need 4 to 5 glasses a night and try to cut back to 1 or 2 which should relax you but not be dangerous for your health.

You're an adult and can do what you want but if you can't go without the wine or have less than your norm - then you might have an addiction. If you aren't addicted yet, you soon will be with that kind of habit.
Good luck :-) and stay happy.

What college did you go to? I could see college kids doing that on weekends but not 5 times a week. I think you do have a drinking problem. You may not think of yourself as an alcoholic but total dependency takes many years to develop and I think you're headed in that direction. Throw away all the liquor in your house and don't buy any more. That might be a start.

That all depends on you. Ask yourself these few questions.
Does it effect everyday life?
Is there any thing that you may be missing out on because of it?
Do you function the next morning with any problems?
Is there any possibility of criminal charges ( DUI, Disorderly Conduct, ETC. ) because of it?
If you answered YES to any of these then you might want to take a look at your lifestyle. If not, THEN HAVE FUN AND LIVE IT UP!

what do you mean "still"? did you start at 5?
you are definately a boozer

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