Is a jewish girl over bat mitzvah obligated to drink the four cups of wine on pesach??!

Question: My neice is a really picky eater, and drinker. She hates a ton of foods. And on pesach, she never drinks the four cups of wine, because she hates wine and grape juice. And she doesn't drink grape juice on the sabbath. And she won't do the "dip your pinky in the grape juice for the 10 plagues" thing on pesach, eihter, because she won't even touch grape juice. Is she obligated to do these things once she becomes bat mitzvah? (12)

Answers: My neice is a really picky eater, and drinker. She hates a ton of foods. And on pesach, she never drinks the four cups of wine, because she hates wine and grape juice. And she doesn't drink grape juice on the sabbath. And she won't do the "dip your pinky in the grape juice for the 10 plagues" thing on pesach, eihter, because she won't even touch grape juice. Is she obligated to do these things once she becomes bat mitzvah? (12)

The amount of wine in each one of the four cups needs only to be as big as an olive, so we are not talking about a large quantity of wine. However, an individual's health needs take precedent over a generalized tradition. As far as your niece is concerned, stop kvetching and ignore her. She may be doing this to get attention, or just for the pleasure of annoying the rest of her family. This is a disease known as adolescence and can only be cured by growing older. The important thing is that she is actually at the seder absorbing the experience and the knowledge and the love of her family. The wine is just a means to this end. It is not the end in itself. Have a sweet Pesach.

I don't think it is specified anywhere about the actual size of the cups, so a mini glass would suffice.
Can you not ask your Rabbi?
I'm sure he will say that water can be substituted especially for such a young girl.

No, she isn't obligated, but I'd expect to see some attitude change. After three passer-by tell her about her tail she'd
be best advised to start looking for a com'fy saddle.

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