How to get drunk without puking?!


How to get drunk without puking?

Yeah lol how do u avoid it?

Don't drink as much
Don't mix hard alocohol and booze.
Make sure you eat before a long night of boozing

Only two ways to avoid it:



you only puke when u mix ur drinks....just get drunk on one kind of drink...


Stop before the puke stage

drink slowly and don't mix different drinks

Don't drink *too* much, and don't mix different drinks.

Don't drink so much, doofus.

know your limit, i don't know have the time i puke all the time cuz i drink all at once, but i think thats the best thing i could tell you

die and be re-born in Ukraine...Voila! Permanent vodka in your veins...

Don't take in so much alcohol into your body...stop when you get a buzz.

You puke because your body is trying to purge itself from the excess. It's your body's natural reaction to being literally poisoned

Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear.

Also, start slow. You can have five shots in two hours and be fine, but five shots in 1 hour will probly make you sick. In other words, span out your drinking.

Don't mix drinks. Eat after you finish drinking. French fries really absorb the alcohol. Also stay hydrated - drink water after every drink or two.

Drink a lot of water before drinking a lot of booze. NOT AFTER.
Hold it in.

I've also heard that pickle juice coats your stomach too.

drink water not alcohol

simple, 1/4 cup of olive oil before you drink to coat your stomach

never drink on an empty stomache.

Stick to drinking one thing all night. Don't mix brown liqueurs with white liqueurs and don't drink beer with liqueur.

Practice, yeah I know I just had two beers and I don't feel so great but I know I won't vomit. Try to avoid salty foods before drinking, this will lower your hydration and makes you more thirsty. Make sure you eat something before drinking and take deep breaths before every drink to let some of the alcohol go down.

drink chaser it is found at your local general nutrition center. You take it before you start drinking and you will not be sick and you will not have a hangover

idk! how do you ask an innopropriate, but yet, stupid question?? o wait, u just did. GREAT EXAMPLE!

I almost never get sick, over doing too much, or too fast, or both is usually the cause or drinking on an empty stomach.
Mixing different types is not good too.

Or you my simply have a low tolerance or even an allergy to one of the ingredients

just dont drink at anytime and you will not puke. You know that drinking is bad and god doesnt like it.

Beer before Liquor gets you sicker.....Liquor before Beer your in the clear and if that doesn't work don't drink or become an alcoholic!!!!! Hee Hee =)

take pepto bismol before drinking,this will coat your stomach and alcohol wont stay there...

Well the longer you drink (over the years) the less you will puke.

Other tips:

-Dont mix drinks, once you start drinking one think keep with it the whole night
-know your limits, just about everybody will puke if they drink to much

beer before liquor couldn't be sicker ... liquor before beer have no fear!!!!!

I don't know either! I always puke!

Baby-sit your drink. Don't drink over your limit. You've got to know your body and how much alcohol it can intake. There some people every time they drink they puke. Their bodies cannot handle the amount of alcohol they consume I used to just drink and drink til I made myself sick. From experience don;t do that...

There is no sure answer, some people just can't tolerate alcohol. Some of the more obvious are don't drink so much (DIR) and avoid sugary drinks (remember beer is loaded with simple sugars). I don't know if there's much truth to the mixing your drinks theory, I think that has a lot to do with what is getting mixed, ie beer and sex on the beach shots. One of my personal favorites (doesn't work for everyone) is to eat something with a lot of carbs (McDonald's double cheeseburger) and chase it with water (at least half a litre) after I'm done drinking. Also helps prevent a hangover.

just build up your tolerence

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