How can i get drunk without getting a hangover?!


How can i get drunk without getting a hangover?

me and a couple of friends want to know, of course, not drinking alot is the smart thing.. but come on now.. we wanna have some fun :)

Water before bed. Lots and lots of water.

Be careful with the Tylenol, though. It may prevent a hangover, but combined with alcohol it greatly increases your likelihood of liver immediate damage.

Have fun and stay safe. Cheers!

I'm not entirely sure about this, but I've had a lot of people tell me that you can drink tons of sake (Japanese rice wine) and not get hungover. Give it a try though. I've had sake, not enough to get me hammered, but it's good stuff.

My husband has never had one. His secret is to get drunk and then to start drinking water, at least two 20oz bottles before you go to sleep with two Tylenol

make sure u won't be drinking on empty stomach, take 2 tylenol before u start and 2 before u go to bed

A hangover is the result of the alcohol dehydrating your body. The best way to counter this is too of course drink water. Now how much water is in relation to how much alcohol your body absorbs. Some people insist on drinking 2 cups to a liter of water before going to bed.
My personal technique is too just drink enough to get a nice buzz and stop. When it starts to ware off drink a little more. Key thing to remember is that as soon as you start to feel it you need to stop because despite the fact you are barely buzzed you have a stomach full of alcohol which is still being absorbed. Which means you are still getting intoxicated even though you stopped drinking.

alternate drinking alcohol with water, so you never get dehydrated.....

also eat some bread before you go to bed

i no the answer coffee and tylenol or anything that has alot of caffeine

go with gatorade the next morning. This reyhdrates you and puts electolytes in your body to help get your day started.

Iroth has a good answer.
The first important thing is to drink high-quality, clear spirits. Absolute, Finlandia, 3 Olives, SKYY, Grey Goose, & Belvedere vodkas being good examples. Dark and inferior liquors have more trace elements (congeners) which can help lead to a hangover.
Still, the main ingredient of a hangover is alcohol induced dehydration.
A fair amount of water before, during, and after drinking.
Vitamins and electrolytes help too, (juice and sports drinks)
Not going to sleep while still intoxicated is another good method, usually this doesn't happen though.
A good, but not too large, meal beforehand with lots of carbs (bread, pasta, etc..) will also help some.

The main things are moderation and water.


Just keep on drinkin'. Then when you can't drink anymore, you better start smokin' your weed right away before the hanging sets in. No, really weed is the best hangover cure, and all natural.

Well, I've never had a hangover and I'm drunk everytime, so it is definitely possible.

Basically, once you can't focus well and/or your face starts to get numb, you are drunk but probably not drunk enough to get a hangover if you don't keep going after that.

I don't do this but I know you should eat before and after you drink, or before bed.

drink whisky or rum. I've never gotten a hangover from either of these.

Another good remedy is drinking beer in the morning, I dont know why but it works.

well, coming from someone who just went to her first AA meeting, what people have told you, all of them are good. Sake is something that has low calories, but, to me, it doesn't get me drunk or rather didn't.
Take tylenol before, eat before, drink alot of water, and take a vitamin/mineral, then after you get drunk, drink alot of water, take tylenol or aspirin, your choice they all do the same, as before you start, eat something before you go to bed, and take another vitamin/mineral.
I know something that really sounds weird too, is when you drink the water, and eat, and all, drink a cold, I mean the coldest glass of milk, when you get in and when you wake up. Why this helps, I haven't a clue, I was told this when I was younger, which, as I age, I can't seem to party like I used too, and no matter what I do, I still can feel the effects of any drink I have had the night before. But, in my early days, I could party all night, get no sleep and still make it to work before college, and all I needed was a cold glass of milk, an old lady that I worked for who partied herself, told me this, whether it's a mind thing or what, it always has worked. I guess as you get older, your body can't handle it like when you were young, because, now when I drink, besides Sake, or did rather, gosh, I would really like one now, and really did before I went to the first meeting tonight, but, I would mix Sake with Fuze water, it was water, had vitamins, and never woke up with a hangover, versus beer/wine/or harder stuff. But, deffinitely go with the better brands as they said early on, because I guess it's a better quality of the stuff, and the cheap stuff really do give you a hangover.....have fun, but, be careful, don't drive, and make sure you are with people that will stay with you all to protect you so noone takes advantage if you do get past the buzz stage, and end up not remembering the next morning, nothing worst than not remembering what you did, especially if you wake up in bed with someone you don't know. To me, the best thing would be not to even start drinking, and it's taken me 15 years to realize it, until now I have no friends, I've let my family down, lost pretty much everything, which lost material things, and not from the drinking from other stuff, but, that made me want to drink more, and don't drink if you are depressed, you will only feel more depressed...go out, be responsible, have back-up so you won't be by yourself, better in groups, because, once you really get drunk, even the ugliest people look good, and you have or I did, had more courage, and I liked me drunk better, but, didn't drink everyday, or every month or would even go for months, and never drank when I knew I had a problem I needed to take care of, but, I ended up like tonight finally realizing I am a drunk, binge drinker to have fun, and though I didn't really want to start AA, I thought it's time I did, and need to learn how to have fun without drinking, that I'm not boring, and I need to be responsible and finally grow-up. Have fun.

Drink lots of water before you go to bed.

Fake being drunk, it's pretty easy to do and if everyone else actually is drunk they won't notice that you are just faking it.

hangover prevention works extremely well. hangover prevention pills can handle this.

at the hangoff website ( it says its a hangover cure, but its a better hangover preventer.

go to the store and get you a pack of hangover pills

I have always thought that a little pot is a great drinking economizer...after one drink, if you take just one or two hits off a joint you will feel way drunker! And you may even end up with $ in your wallet and no DUI at the end of the night! Just (obviously) don't get caught with pot! They really throw the book at you for that schnizzet these days!

I've seen adds on tv for this pill you take before you drink, i've never tried it, but it says it will prevent hang overs.

You can try eating before you drink or having snacks while you drink. And be sure to drink water afterwards.

What i personally do is once I know i'm drunk i stop drinking and then after a while i have a little more to keep it going. So basically don't constantly drink.

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