Wine Pronunciation?!
Wine Pronunciation?
How do you say these wine words:
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
Premier Grand Cru Classe
Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel
Cru Artisans du Medoc
2 months ago
A web site that verbally says it(through you computer speakers) will be great but if not that will be ok.
2 months ago
A web site that verbally says it(through you computer speakers) will be great but if not that will be ok.
1) Chateau Mouton Rothschild:
sha-TOE MOO-TAHNH roth-SHIELD (note the accent on the second syllable of Rothschild. I heard Baroness Phillipine de Rothschild say it during an interview on French television. Also, the "n" in Mouton is almost silent.)
2) Premier Grand Cru Classe:
Prum-YAY grahnh cruu class-AY (there really isn't a way to spell out the way cru is pronounced, especially the French R sound and that unique "u" sound. You have to hear it, I'm afraid. Also, don't pronounce the "d" in grand, or you're instantly pegged an anglo).
3) Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel:
Cruu boor-SZWAH zek-SEP-see-un-ELL. (in French, a word starting with a vowel and following an s, has the s carrying over to the second word, essentially slurring into a single flowing word).
**CORRECTION** Since bourgeois is in the masculine form, and the s is not normally pronounced, you may actually omit the "z" that I indicated and say them as two separate words. Sorry.
4) Cru Artisans du Medoc:
Cruu ART-ee-ZAHNH duu MAY-dock (the du rhymes with cru, again impossible to spell out. Also, don't pronounce the second "s" in artisans, or again you're an instant anglo).
1. shaw-TOE moo-TOHN ROTHS-child.
2. pruhm-YAY grawnd croo clahs.
3. crew booosh-WAH exception-EHL
4. crew ahrt-EE-zans dew may-dock
Chateau Mouton Rothschild: Shat-toe Moo-ton Roth-shield
Premier Grand Cru Classe: Prem-e-a Gron Crew Class
Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel: Crew Bur-zwa-zee Except-ti-on-elle
Cru Artisans du Medoc: Crew R-tis-san due May-doc