How long is wine good for after you open it?!


How long is wine good for after you open it?

I prefer to have it all consumed within a couple hours, some wines you can recork and keep a little longer but once oxygen gets to it it starts to oxidize and loose flavor. If you only want a glass or two get wine in the box, it doesn't get exposed to oxygen and it will keep for several days in the fridge.

open, drink, don't save

7 days

Countryboy has the perfect answer. No more things to add...

A day or two, tops. After that it tastes off, then outright bad. And before you know it, you've got vinegar on your hands.

Mine seems to be okay up till about 7 days. I guess I would call it not noticably deteriorated for about 3-4 days, but still tastes ok after that. Might be because we have mostly screw caps here, not corks, so might keep oxygen out a bit more. You can buy little gizmos to reseal bottles instead of corks that suck the oxygen out, and then it will last longer and remain unchanged.

if your a wine buffin then one day but for the rest of us up to 3 days if you re cork it and keep it out of sunlight

Its good for as long as there is still alcohol in it.

If kept at a cool temperature with a good bottle stopper it should last a couple of days.

If you use the kind of stopper that allows you to remove the air inside the bottle, creating a vaccum seal, you can extend the life of the wine to about a week.

Even red wines fare better when kept at temperatures below room temp.

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