Smirnoff ice?!


Smirnoff ice?

for some reason every other alcoholic drink is fine but smirnoff ice and some types of wine always gets me sick, like a seasick feeling...just plain beer or vodka is perfectly fine i just don't understand why smirnoff ice makes me feel sick.

Because it is nothing more than sugar. I'm surprised you don't get heartburn as well. Stick with the purer stuff.

To the person below who suggests adding pucker or grenadine.......all those are is colored sugar!!!! Trust me I've been a bartender for 10 years.

Sugar content is what makes you sick and causes hangovers. If you stick with pure liquors and keep yourself hydrated, you will not have a hangover. You may think it's silly for someone to order diet coke in their drink. The purpose for this is to cut the sugar you're consuming, not because you're on a diet.

To Adam, I am not disputing that the Ices have the same amount of sugar as a regular soda. My whole point is that the more sugary ingredients you add, the more likely you are to suffer some negative side effects. So rather than suggesting she add more sugar, I'd suggest adding more vodka! And naturally other things factor in besides just sugar, such as the level of impurities in the alcohol itself (Ketel One vs. Bartons, I know you'll understand the difference...) So if you mix cheap alcohol with cheap, refined sugar, you're setting yourself up for a nasty headache.
Plus she said that wine does the same thing to her, so my money is on the sugar.

it contains to much sugar and is crappy grain alcohol

Sugar content. It's loaded with sugar PLUS empty carbs that your body metabolizes as sugar. Most people can't handle that kind of sugar level in their blood and their stomach will react to prevent you from absorbing more (I have the same problem).

Some of the mixed drinks contain something that can make me feel sick. If you read the label they sometimes have wine added or preservatives, which is what i always blame. Some wines are treated in different ways during the winemaking process, and some wines just don't agree with me. I just found the ones that do and stick with them

its probably all the artificial sweeteners it has. too many sugars can screw with your blood sugar levels and food absorption rates and the acid it contains lends itself to producing stomach aches. I get the same feeling from Jungle Juice and other ultra sweet drinks.

It is due to the carbonation, not the sugar. There is no more sugar in a Smirnoff Ice than there is in anything else. A good way to soften the carbonation is to ask the bartender to pour out the neck of the bottle and add a shot of a pucker flavor. (strawberrry pucker and Smirnoff Ice is the most popular). Some also like grenadine too.

To the person above. I congratulate you on your 10 years in the bar buisness. I will however counter you with 7 years as a bartender, and 12 years as a General Manager. I've been to Bar and Nightclub trade shows from Atlantic City to Las Vegas. Please do not act as if though you know more. I am simply stating that you cannot tell me there is not as much, if not more sugar in something like a rum and coke. The makeup of the Ice (triple black, silver, razz) drinks are all diferent than that of a regular "soda" drink. The carbnation is totally different because these drinks come "pre-carbonated" unlike fountain drinks that come from guns and what not. Sugar may be a factor, but I will stick with what I know and claim that the carbonation settles in the bottom of your stomach when the syrup (sugar... i will agree with you here), floats to the top, possibly causing heartburn. The carbonation then irritates the stomach while mixing with the acid.... otherwise known as acid reflux.... otherwise known as an upset stomach.

me too it gives me a headache and makes me wanna gag

it's the sugar. sweet drinks like that will make you sick when the sugar & alcohol begin to digest.

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